Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 27 | Viejas Raíces - Mira tu

@monquixote think the first one spanks a tad harder for me, but they’re both dope and it just depends on which mood the listener is in! :beers:

I’m glad to see you shooting stuff out again let’s go! :muscle:

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I couldn’t call it. But either I’d love to see people trying to dance to in a club!

Edit. I’m gonna call it! My money’s on the 7/8 version.


I really like the sample and there’s some nice variations from everyone. :slightly_smiling_face:

I haven’t felt like doing much recently due to doing extra hours at work so I missed the last one.
I got the urge to have a quick chop today, I only used a clap as an outside element from the sample to give the snare some snap.

I wanted to layer it more but I ran out of tracks on DT.


Sheeeesh, this is heat. For some reason I’m getting slight Rough Draft period Dilla. Wicked work mate.


@Yabba Agree with @looms and really enjoyed how you played with the voices to create such a sweet melody that is both haunting and entrancing! Super chill vibes man and thank you for sharing with us :beers:

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Cheers guys much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

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@aarb420 your first one might be my favourite in these so far.
Really great beat mate

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@Yabba man thank you! :beers: wish I could take full credit for the effect but that’s one of those lucky marriages between raps and beat that the universe gifted :older_man:

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