Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 11 | Ilija Rudman - Hibiscus Theatre

The same track with a break: some pads and a hihat

All the sounds I used are sampled from the original track.


I rock the Boog, the greatest monosynth ever made! The keyboard is just the digitone

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Really nice work on this.




@BLKrbbt Is that the malevolent being used on this one? Really does have a lot of character!


Oh and I just ordered a job-lot of 80s/90s records for you lovely peeps so expect plenty of Phil Collins throughout 2023 :raised_hands:


all Malevolent…

No LFO either… thats the baked in pulse width modulation on the oscillators…

filter is amazing with resonance, and Im used to Moog’s where resonance saps the bass…

not this wonderful beast… add resonance and drive to get the growl…

and I could have overdriven the oscillator levels or added way more drive… I just wanted to keep it civilized to match the clean drums from the sample…


fuck yassssssss…

Any peter Gabriel?

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Polyend Tracker to the rescue.

Quick little jam.
100% samples from the track.


gotta say though, about the Malevolent…

it is a glitchy mess though… I tried syncing the arp via midi, and for some reason it would automatically play a note even if no hold was on… I had to keep power cycling the synth to get it to stop…

it feels very beta still… but its a brand new company, and this is its first synth…

they haven’t even written a manual yet

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@emadb That break section could be a sweet beat that’s in hiding if you have the time to expand on it! Great additions :beers:

@malus_mons That’s dope and the way you have it dialed sounds lovely (the desire to own one just increased) :ok_hand:

@natehorn Her flow sort of sounds like when Eminem talks to his daughter on his early stuff :upside_down_face: :man_shrugging:

@BLKrbbt That was intense man and you’re making Malevolent get fonky, so much so that this gave off some Funkytown vibes! That thing gets low! :beers:

@monquixote Dope intro, sounds like candy. Please, don’t get offended, but I would have enjoyed the grooves even more by hearing those chimes solo over the beat a bit! Are you adding FX on the Polyend or are you grabbing from elsewhere because they sound fantastic :beers:


Maybe I’ll have a fiddle about with the arrangement later because it’s quite short at the moment.

The delay and reverb on the PT are pretty good, but I usually add a bit of fairy dust in Bitwig.
This has got a bit of Super VHS and TAIP and Crystalline on some of the synths and it’s also got some Echoboy for the delays.

I heated up the master a bit with some Fabfilter goodness.

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@monquixote that’s an awesome formula you have on your hands man beat came out crispy :man_cook: Thanks for sharing your process btw I never got too far with bitwig/ linux production because I couldn’t wrap my head around connecting Jack audio at the time. :baby:

I just thought it would sound good man not trying to make you work extra! :beers:

Whoa. That’s a grand compliment to make!

Thank you!

Since the Malevolent doesn’t have ANY preset saving. It’s ALL ANALOG, I think I might reuse that drum loop I made from the sample again and see what comes out of the Malevolent.

I deceptively put alot of work into chopping and arranging that sample. So much so that you hardly notice it in the track, which is actually kinda of a step up for me in sampling. To use samples in a way that doesn’t show its hand.

Also, that last track was the first track I used the Fabfilter bundle I just got instead of Ozone. I was going to a/b the two as an experiment, but the fabfilter stuff is just so much better at preserving the sound. I’m not looking back.


Dope, and that’s awesome that you’re able to dial in that flave! Also, agree with you about Ozone, and I played with both versions 8 and 9 for about a year, but it made all of my tracks way too harsh despite every effort I threw at it. If it works for other people then that’s great, but I gave up on trying to figure it out/tweak things there. That’s two Fabfilter name drops in one thread. Glad you guys are finding some neat tools, and gonna have to see what Fabfilter is about eventually! :muscle:


Night and day!

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Throwing in the towel… ran out of track space on OT and couldn’t figure out where to go afterwards :older_man:


Love the slop! That vocal one shot at the start is super cool you did well to only use it once :v:

Edit: @monquixote Almost missed this - love the vibe! Got a real cheeriness to it that isn’t present in the original


Sweet work everyone! I’m stuck in choice overwhelm as to where I want to take mine. So often have this problem. Make something. Get bored of it. Twist it up. Get excited again. Get bored of that one. Twist it up again. Repeat repeat. Nothing finished :tired_face:


To look at it another way it sounds to me like you’ve finished lots of tracks, you just can’t stop yourself from enhancing them once they’re done :slight_smile: