Best software for batch sample rate conversion?

X Lossless Decoder(XLD)

Just installed that. Its awesome, easy simple and does what it should.

…and does what it should. That’s a rarity these days.

audiofinder is pretty straight forward.

i’ve used a few different audio editors over the years but currently using DSP-Quattro which has a pretty nice batch converter.

i’ve been told by more than one mastering engineer that audioease barbabatch is the best … but i’ve never used it.

I use sound forge Mac and Pc. I swear by sound forge. For life. You can even get an older copy on eBay for dirt cheap

Audiofile Engineering MYRIAD (old name is Sample Manager)
it’s the best i have ever used on MAC

i used to use Steinberg Wavelab

lately switched to Adobe Audition … other than learning a new GUI and all that kind of thing, I really like it… almost exact same workflow for me, just better

Running in virtual machine windows or via wine on osx.

I’ve been using “Switch” for years to convert 24bit libraries to 16 bit for my MPC & Korg ESX1

Yep, +1 for free apps !
VLC could do this as well.
Or Audacity.

Another vote for Myriad, huge upgrade to Sample Manager and much easier to use.

Free sox converter in OSX shell, something like this:

for i in *.wav
echo ${i}; sox “${i}” -b 16 -r 44.1k “converted_${i}”

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Xld is my go to now

AudioMove, its free for osx, just drop all files into the window and done… haven’t found a quicker way :slight_smile:

Good move - I have been using that for a few months and am yet to fault it!

I’ve been reading the replies in this thread and while there are a lot of solutions on offer, none of them have really met my requirements.

I have been out to find an elegant/simple graphical software interface that is easy to use for 1 function alone: batch sample conversion on Mac OSX.

Without being critical of other peoples requirements, I have placed the software mentioned here into the following categories for myself:

  • Command line utilities
  • Expensive & OTT
  • Ugly/Uncomfortable Workflow
  • Abandonware

I already have an expensive DAW that allows me to view the waveform, cut the samples to the length of my choosing and adjust the volume in a way that I am very comfortable with.

I don’t wish to pay extra for features that I already have access to and so a batch converter with waveform & trim features seems like a waste of money.

In my search, I have discovered AMVidia’s “To WAV Converter” and I don’t think it’s been mentioned here yet.

It is comparatively affordable, accepts over 200 different audio formats, has a clean interface, is simple to use and currently kept up to date.

Sure, software like ‘barbabatch’ et al can be called THE BEST:for features, but it’s not the best in my opinion when you weigh up the high price-point against the simple goal we’re trying to achieve.


The OSX editor I use for everything else: Amadeus:

It’s batch utility is quite good.

Oh, thanks god, I have found this. Other tools look like you need to spend two days to learn them.

I’m using this:

I know I said it at least once on another topic but for those who use Reaper, it has a pretty efficient batch converter built in :wink:

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