Best elektron machine to pair with Digitone

Which elektron device work best with a Digitone?

Machinedrum is a brilliant Digitone friend. They compliment each other very well


Easy… Digitakt

I thought Digitakt too- What about analog rhythm mk2?

I am very worried to get an ARmk2 there are too many bugs I read and I am worried they will never be addressed

Rytm MKII, OT, or Machinedrum. Brings the beats and sample mangling!


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rytm mkII pads bug

I’ve got A4 and AR mk2 and both digi boxes…
both DT and DN are both the same work flow and form factor and work best together
But any of the machines work together well

For what purpose? What can you not do with your Digitone? Why are you only considering Elektron instruments?


A drum machine is the obvious answer. Problem is all the Elektrons are good at this. But the Digitone can do drums. So why not get another Digitone?

I’ve got first a DT and then paired it with DT, works well so far!

Because I have been using ITB drums for long time-I went through Maschine- Push- Reason, released an album and 5-6 tracks

I got to a point that I am tired of being in front of a computer programming with controllers and mouse and I feel that with a couple of machines I can do quite a lot actually being more productive and effective, less is more

I have also a nord rack and a korg ms20

AH sounds great adding some dirt to the pristine sound of DN. I’m a sucker for distorted infinite reverb :fire:

So what is missing from your music that you can’t achieve with DN, Nord Rack, MS-20, and any other gear that you may already have?

I would say a sampler to add rhythmic structures

Digitone is ok for drums but sometimes they get a bit boring

I use digitone for pad, textures, metallic sounds, fm perc and buchla style sounds

Stereo or mono samples?

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It does not really make a difference, drums usually should be in mono

Does ARmk2 used mono or stereo samples?

MD / AR / DT / MS use mono samples. OT is the only Elektron with stereo samples / recordings. Great arp for DN Multi Map control, for example.
It can record / play on the fly with 8 recorders.
Sliced files can contain kits of drums with different lengths.
Possibiliy to morph up to 250 parameters with the crossfader and scenes.
And much more…

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It’s fun to connect an iPad so you can use the midi tracks to sequence synth apps. My favorite apps have got to be Audulus and Korg Gadget.

Quite intriguing

I have read Octatrack is quite difficult to learn using it but I am not concerned a lot
