Best Digitone Sound Packs?

Hey Man! Id defo be interested in more percussion. Its what Ive started using the DN for more and more. :slight_smile:

i totally agree. but is 29$ cool? I wouldn’t sell anything I create for so much…

It’s a very fair price for the amount of work that went into it, IMO.


It’s 256 patches.

Thats 0.11 per patch. I reckon each one probably took an hour, if not more.

So in order to make $11 per patch man has got to sell 100 packs. And that only to earn a crappy mcjob wage for the work.

Thats without any marketing, web hosting, overheads etc accounted for so probably more like $9…

Based on how many people are designing sound packs rn I reckon that selling 100 is a push.

So yeah. Even with some basic maths that dont even take into account the skill this kind of programming takes Id say you should probably stop moaning and if you like the content you should pay for it.


I’m currently sat at 29 patches into this pack :slight_smile:

Probably aiming for 54ish in total- feels about right for a drum pack? I love building percussion sounds on the Digitone, it’s a really lovely platform for it. I’m spending a lot of time making sure that they all respond to velocity in a satisfying way (i.e. not just volume changes) so I suspect that they might be a lot of fun to play with actual drum pads.

I’ll probably take samples from it as well for people who like the sounds but don’t have a DN, because FM drums are cool and everyone should get to enjoy them :slight_smile:

They’ll be free/pay-if-you-want as usual with my stuff, so keep an eye on my YouTube channel over the next few weeks.


Brilliant! Thats good news. Ill defo keep an eye open. :slight_smile:

As promised, here are some drums and percussion (free/pay-what-you-want):


I think the one i create is more than decent for an 80s touch :slight_smile:



Can I drop my pack in here? 256 sounds all over the place.

Demo here:
Purchase here:

it’s my first day with the digitone. I didn’t know about not being able to download more drum sounds. sounds super appealing to just craft my own percussion and bass. this is all possible right?

Thanks for your wonderful work!
I just installed the Percussion SoundPack but somehow OS-Kick01 and OS-Kick02 are missing, so only 46 Patches were installed instead of 48? Any idea, what I could have done wrong?
Btw I tried C6 and Transfer, both with the same result, 46 patches.

Did you select the specific bank where you wanted them to go? If you did was there enough space in that bank? If you chose “Anywhere” as the destination or just dragged in with transfer you might find that the patches are kinda squeezed in where there’s space…

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I chose only “Sounds” in Receive SysEx-Menu of the DN and there was enough space in the Bank. I even tried a completely empty Soundbank with the same result, 46 Sounds and OS-Kick 01 & 02 are missing.

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That’s really weird. Firmware up to date?

Yeah, really weird. OS is 1.30A

While I’m tempted to try and work this out because I hate an unsolved mystery, just email me at my username at, and I’ll export those two as separate sysexs today and we can try sending them individually. My Digitone is sat on my desk plugged in so it’s no bother.


Hello if i miss something let me know :wink:


hmm how do you delete your own comment ? seems you can only edit…

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@Lovelight click on the three dots and you should have a trash icon… it will write to wait 24 hours and then the post will be deleted…