
You must be married


And refuses to use capital letters.

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“Wtf, I love behringer now”

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It me.


I feel you.

“wtf i love behringer now”


I am, for my sins, a social media manager (this is not an argument from authority, but just context) and I think a lot of people are still very naive (I mean that politely) to the realities of digital marketing. Being active on forums and social media related to your product is essentially a prerequisite for modern marketing, and tools to assist that make the job very simple, and budgets are massive. I work at a medium-sized charity and our social media budget - staff and tools - is enough to support 5-10 middle-income families, and our charity doesn’t even really value social media. If you’re a multi-million-dollar business whose main marketing venue is online, you’re going to be sinking vast amounts into ‘community management’, ‘social listening’ and the like.

Remember when B’s social team took the effort to make a diss post about one single journalist who’d been critical of them? They’re clearly looking around, and they clearly care about their image.

It’s not at all conspiracy thinking or ridiculous to suggest that companies will try to improve their public image, or involve themselves in various conversations - that’s what marketing is.

To put it more simply, if Behringer can pay someone a low-medium wage to keep track of automated alerts of ‘Behringer’ and various other keywords on various subject specific forums (GearSpace, here, Muffwigglers…), and try to cap off the more overt criticisms, why wouldn’t they?

I’m not saying they are responsible here. There’s enough B fanboys who’ll happily flag anything anywhere that’s negative about the brand. But I do believe it’s more realistic to simply assume they’re active here and elsewhere, and work backwards from there, than to assume they’re too ethical, too lazy, too poor, or too ineffective to ‘get involved in the conversation’.


Where do I apply to get paid for browsing on gear forums all day?


We’re gonna draw a little bit of everybody’s blood, because we’re gonna find out who’s the Behringer social media employee


Touch it with a piece of heated 1970s Moog jack cable to see whose squeaks away in pain.


Like this?


Squealers. Those kids that used to tell teacher, back in the school days, who nobody else liked (not even the teacher) :laughing:

“I don’t like what you’re saying and can’t counter any points you made, so I will call for you to be silenced”



It doesn’t seem far fetched at all that companies go on forums, forums are a gas-inducing machine. Full of demos and pics of gear that work better than expensive ads.
I bought my first elektron machine, the amazing MNM, specially inspired by ‘idm in a machine’ and @darenager 's videos.

I don’t own any behringer gear, I keep wondering about getting a 303 and I’m not buying a 2nd hand original for those crazy amounts people ask. That being said, I don’t mind all the behringer gear info we have here any more than all the other brands products.

I do miss elektron-users forums when most of what you would read would be detailed amazing tips, tricks, discussion on music and on your favourite elektron machines (that were only 3 of them, that also helped).
You would log out incredibly excited to go back to your studio and try these new things you learned from your peers online.


Praise the king

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Uli, if you’re reading this…
A SIDstation clone would be cheap and really rile up the villagers to boot…

In fairness, I posted on the M8 post that I hoped Behringer would step up and produce an affordable mass market version and the forum censors deleted that post citing it was off topic. So it doesn’t just work the one way.

Having said that I wouldn’t want to be a moderator and don’t envy them one little bit in trying to keep this site from descending into chaos.

not long now brothers


:scream: Blasphemy! :scream: