Behringer WING

good point. and they released a filter automation video on the RD-8 yesterday…maybe to show they do understand how to do proper p-locks and such…that would be so sick.


Hot dog. My tail is wagging

If it is a 60 clone I am gonna do cartwheels


One of their teaser posts references the most amazing product in “Behringers 30 year history”, so seems its regarding their lifetime rather than a specific unit being 30 years old. innit

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Ah, ok. Well. Right. Ahem. Apologies if I’ve needlessly set any tails a-wag @v00d00ppl

Hopefully it’ll be their crowning glory, anyway (and a polyphonic sampler with nice colouring, filters etc.)


Prepare to be…disappointed :grin:


Guessing a keyboard workstation…,

Tribute!? …bite

behringer widget, korg gadget clone

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Mixer for sure


Official Behringer Wires

If it’s the official announcement of a product talked about earlier it could be the 40 or so Behringer Eurorack modules released en masse with wires included. There was specific info on some of them, but a lot of the 40 were a mystery.


I won’t be buying it but I love a mystery. So here’s another idea:

The Behringer Willich

“Behringer is an audio equipment company founded by the Swiss engineer Uli Behringer in 1989, in Willich, Germany”

His first product was the UB-1 synth, so could be a flagship synth that he always dreamed of making since 30 years ago. Food for thought anyway!


yeah, this one makes most sense I reckon

I agree with this. If they called the eurorack series “wired” that would really make sense. They teased the eurorack stuff early this year.


This thing is surely a dinosaur. What would a dinosaur sound like?

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Brostep :smile:


Point being he wanted to create a good synth 30 years ago but was limited at the time. Also, the first icon that appears on its own in the video is a synth. Soundtrack is a synth too :blush:

If a dinosaur :sauropod: took a poo on a volcano :volcano: would the sound oscillate into audio rates? Talk amongst yourselves :wink:

Its Barp 2600!!! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: i know its not…

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SID Station clone

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Great shout!