Behringer Swing

:joy: Go home, everyone, @Norb has won the Internet today. Better luck tomorrow.


I don’t know…Toestepper maybe?
Keystep -> Beestep would been at least a little funny.

Why does everyone say the ‘dirty little secret’ is their daw? Anyone care to enlighten me?


can’t wait to see how they swing this in court.



I wonder what Behringer is thinking. Why clone an already dirt cheap product? This makes absolutely no sense to me.


"What’s makes us different? All our controllers are designed to automatically integrate with our future Music Tribe DAW which we target to launch next year and which will be completely FREE of charge.”

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Berturia Berstep Bro


The standout feature is some included controller scripts. Pack it in Ableton, you’re through.


So its a bit cheaper Keystep(that will get cheaper) with a free DAW on the way, I suppose its the free software that will swing it for some. I wonder if Arturia were intending to discontinue the keystep now the more profitable pro is around, either way they cant have any protection on the design with that level of similarity.

That, and the Keystep 37, which in itself gave me a bit of a laugh when I saw the price was double the OG Keystep.

Anyway, since we’re here to, ehm, celebrate Behringer, I started thinking names for possible Elektron clones. A Bonomachine would be too much even for me.

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I think there’s potential for a trial here. Do we have statements from Arturia ?

I totally get the point of cloning long discontinued items that a lot of people lust after.
I even get cloning things that are currently on sale in one form or another from the original manufacturer.

What I don’t get is why you’d clone something that’s already dirt cheap and already owned by literally everyone.


That’s the thing with behringer no innovation, just cheap knock offs…
can’t they design there own stuff?

Praying for a 300e Birklon… :innocent: :joy:


I don’t understand this release either. Can a company be masochist ?

I hate this move by B. But I think there is simply a huge market for Keystep like entre level midi keyboard controllers bundled with their growing synth lineup.

You wait in a few weeks/months the original keystep will disappear from shops and the choice will be swing or keystep37/keystep pro, then the price makes sense. Some will blame behringer for pushing them out but its more likely Arturia were done with it one way or the other.
I think they need to make a keybed that will hold modules/desktops, much easier market to undercut.

White little interrupters?

The dip switches on the back.


I see. Thx. I actually prefer some way of hardware control over when options are solely available via software. Compared to a function or shift button + key press how it’s implemented on many controller and some synths, the DIP switches give you an overview of what’s set up how, but yeah tiny swithes basically hidden on the back is pretty fiddly stuff…

I got one already. Great instrument. Arturia is a fraud, courts will prove it.

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