Beginner tutorial for Midi sequencing?

Hello all, I just got my Octatrack yesterday and was wondering if there was a beginner’s tutorial of any sort for how to use the midi sequencer? I’ve hooked up a waldorf blofeld via midi and the audio to the inputs and selected a midi track.

I can play a few notes in the first 8 trigs, but beyond that I can’t seem to get anything to work. I’ve armed a few trigs in the grid recording mode and played with the parameters but it just never triggers anything.

Also, the first 8 trigs are very low in the octave range, is there a way to change the octave and also enable all 16 triggers as a sort of chromatic keyboard?

Sorry, I read the entire midi section in the manual but seem to be missing some foundation knowledge of the process.

Many thanks in advance!

easiest thing to get wrong is selecting the channel. you need to press the encoder or hit yes after selecting a channel…

other than that I thought the MIDI part is the most self explanatory of the OT
the CC sends work the same way (need to funktion+encoder to activate)

its great fun with the blofeld. try to use individual track lengths and just zone out with multiple arps… hope that helps

You’ve to open a thru machine in sampler mode and select the AB or CD entries. Then trig the first step to listen the audio from Blofeld.

Thanks for the quick responses.

I’m confused because I seem to have the midi setup okay, as far as I know - the blofeld midi is set to omni, and playing the first 8 trigs I can hear the midi… I’m wondering why trying to record trigs in grid mode doesn’t do anything…

Ah! Got it. Had to double tap ‘Playback’ to get to the Midi Note Setup screen and choose a channel there. I see. Thank you!

Anyone who has trouble understanding the manual has my sympathy. Elektron FAIL.

Could the tutorial cover program and bank change too? I’ve had no joy making this work with my A4. Despite thoroughly checking midi settings in both machines.

Watch the youtube video above and read the whole manual, not just MIDI part. Other important functionalities are described in different chapters and all is somehow inter-related.

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Love those videos. Make me wanna go play every time.

Love those videos. Make me wanna go play every time.[/quote]
Thank you :slight_smile:

My aim is to get users excited about the OT and its incredibly deep, inspiring potential ! Glad to hear it works !

Great thanks, that was very informative (the secretmusic tutorials).

The octatrack flow seems great to me. I feel like I hear everyone has an initial honeymoon moment with it, so I wonder if my excitement will wear off, but I find the workflow for sequencing, sampling and layering elements so smooth so far. (and I’ve barely even had it a day).

I only wish it were a Hexadecotrack (16 tracks would be so incredible)