Bad experience with AudioFanzine user

Not blaming AF :slight_smile:
I am in touch with them to sort this out.
The responsibility they have is to let the user know these practices are not ok.
Which AF agreed upon :slight_smile:


Negotiable eh? Offer them £100 :+1:


Those experiences are bad. Sorry for you, as i gave you the adress.
I rarely met this kind of problem on AF. It hapen once that (one week ago for a Kordbot) a guy didn’t respect his engagement and sell the gear to another dude who had proposed 80e more after we made our agrement.
The are lot of deception with humans.


Lol @ “négo ouverte” x)

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@elenacortes no worries at least it served a purpose: identify a scammer :slight_smile:
I have been a member on AF since 2009 although I was not active for years… Actually asked what AF meant :joy: when you mentioned the 2 Tanzmaus for sale on it…
Regarding deception and humans, I believe in empathy: people do bad things under circumstances because they are not able to do otherwise.


That’s makes me think to a similar sentence : people always play the best card he has.
Same inclusive philosophy.

Did you bought the cheaper Tanzmaus of the same site ? I mean the second one ?

Trying to…
No feedback from seller :slight_smile:

This is called “self preservation”. The worst kind.

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Some people need constraints to behave in a civil manner, some not.
This can come from education and self-consciousness (or lack of it), but our (capitalist) system values the behavior of taking advantage of a situation if there is no coercion or external incentive, especially when the motive is greed.
Being civil/human at each moment is a choice, a test of will at times…


My certainty.

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And the idiot had to remove his Tanzmaus from sale :wink:



Have any users from the United States made purchase from audiofanzine users?

I know making myself look “real” is going to be annoying when I am not a native or far-beyond-google translate French speaker, but I’m curious if there are any super obvious issues (say with ) beyond that of trust and also convincing someone to ship overseas.

I like the « open for bargain » mentioned at 420€. The guy is just bargaining upwards, nice selling technique.

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Let’s bargain at 420€ for the friend :wink:

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Which shop? I also had something few weeks ago with a shop displaying a price. I ordered it, they took time to process and said that the last unit was sold and raised the price by +10%. I cancelled.

The shop was Audio System.

You shouldn’t have cancelled. The law, and most likely the sale conditions specify that the price displayed on the web site is the price to be payed.

I contacted the “Direction Départementale de Protection des Populations” (local state service that protects citizens/customers) and they told me I was in my right to receive the goods at the displayed price.

I sent the DDPP answer to the shop, and they accepted to send me the goods at the displayed price without further argumentation.


I hate these practices. Many people do this: list it for a relatively low asking price to get attention and then have people bid publicly or privately.

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To me, it’s like guys whistling a girl in the street. Where the hell did they see this working?