Backing up Machinedrum, TM-1, C6

I am trying to backup my MD UW+ before sending it off to repair. I’ve never done this before.

I tried sending sysex via TM-1, something called ‘All data sysex send’ dumping all data.
MD is sending but C6 is not receiving anything. Actually there’s nothing on C6 like the File Info section is all grayed out.

Been a long time since I used C6, TM-1, I might be forgetting something. Something to do with Config?


Are you choosing the TM-1 as the interface within C6?

Yeah TM-1 is selected.

Are you on Windows or Mac?

I am on Mac

Try Sysex Librarian, it works nicely for me
… But then again I’m on M1, which isn’t compatible with C6.

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I actually use M1, just pulled out old Macbook just to use C6… I didn’t know about this Sysex Librarian. Will try it, thanks.

Give it a go and see if that works… If not, we’ll try something else. Don’t lose heart!

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Thanks! Will come back if I can’t make this work.

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C6 was a little counter-intuitive at first, at least to me. Have you read the guide? I would give it another try…one advantage over sysex librarian is that it will tell you if the backup files are corrupted in any way, whitch sometimes happens. With sysex librarian you can’t know until you load them on your unit. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Ah, good to know, thanks. I did skim through C6 manual but didn’t find anything much…

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