Back up sample banks?

I just sold my MD and I am trying to backup everything in case I get a MD again later. Last thing to do is the sample banks, but it looks like there’s no option to back them up as they are, only the individual samples? Is that right? (If so wtf)

batch transfer, then save them to a folder. only way i think. wtf = 16 year old technique


When I back up md projects, I’ll have a folder for the snapshots, and a folder that is titled with the number and name of the sample bank, with each sample in it. I label each sample with its number and name, so it’s clear to re-assemble the project. One thing as well is that I put a note in the main folder that says which patterns are in the song mode, because I often forget to save the different song mode set ups, since they aren’t needed within a snapshot. But, when you load a snapshot to another machinedrum, the song mode setup can be missing. Also, I would recommend saving a couple versions of snapshots, because every now and then, they can have errors, but it’s pretty rare.


Well I remembered the MCL and looked at the manual and it has a feature to transfer all samples to the sd card in order with numbers prefixed … so that saved the day. Was able to watch a bunch of Doordash driver tip videos while it sloooowwwwwllllly transferred :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Oh and 90% of my transferred snapshots had errors. Probably just a single byte so I’m not gonna worry over it.