Automated A4 transpose in ableton?

Is this possible ? I’ve been trying to locate it in manual…
Also is changing patterns possible in ableton ?

for transposition you may use Pitch midi effect

for changing patterns you need to send Program Change in midi clip


I’m not sure I explained it properly…
I want to control the transpose function on the analog four in ableton to have it change all transposable tracks that are selected…

I will check out about program changes in midi clips

in that case you may want to control Pitch on oscillators. CC16 and CC17 for OSC1 and OSC2 respectively. by default, channel 1 for Track 1, channel 2 for Track 2 and so on.
alternatively, you can assign all that to a Performance Knob and control it externally via corresponding CC as well.

for more details please consult Appendix D: MIDI in A4 manual, page 96

If you mean the track transpose functionality, that is accessed by the [Transpose] button, I don’t think there’s a way to control it with midi cc.
IIRC it can be automated in song mode, though.

Probaply best to transpose the tracks by changing oscillators pitch as @ivarin wrote.

Edit; Maybe holding [Transpose] or locking track transpose with [Function]+[Transpose] and sending midi notes from Ableton Live might work.

In the manual didn’t see any cc or midi for it…
If I do it that way the scale function probably wouldn’t work the same.
Never mind I will find another method to get what I was trying to do with it

AFAIK, the only way to transpose according to track note and track key is with the track transpose function.
I didn’t find any midi cc for it either.

If you transpose the tracks oscillators with midi cc, it would be the same as turning the osc pitch parameter by hand.
The track transpose function is very handy in a live situation and I understand why it’s regarded a ‘performance function’.
It’s not really nessecerary to have this function under midi control, in a daw, we have time to figure out everything accordingly and draw automation.

Just was hoping I could automate it like how u can in song mode.
All good I’ll work out another way as you said I’m working in the daw so I can just record it in or something

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I ran into this issue. The way I went about it was just copying the pattern a number of times and chain the patterns together.

To control this via Ableton, maybe instead of trying to control transpose, make a pattern for each transposition you want done automatically and have Ableton send program change messages.

Yes was thinking that! Will try that instead

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Isn’t setting up multi map a viable way from ableton?


I’m only new to the A4,
don’t know anything about multimap yet thanks I’ll look into it!

The different CHG MODE you can use is the BIG benefit with using a multi map. However in a setup where your DAW is the master and your A4 sequencer is synced you might still end up wanting to have the CHG MODE to sequential and send the midi notes to the multi map 1/16 note early to be sure that the changes are happening exactly when they are supposed to.

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Multimap mode was the way to do it!
Other synths restart the sequence from beginning when changing notes, this transposes like on the synth without interruption !


That was the way thanks! Sorted now

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I can get transpose to work but can’t get transpose and pattern change working at the same time.
do you know if this is possible?

If you have two entries in your multimap, one for pattern change and one for transpose and both have CHG MODE “D-JUMP” they should work at the same time.

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Doesn’t seem to be working for me, will try again tomorrow hope it’s not a os bug and just operator error

For testing connect a midi keyboard directly to your A4. Perhaps Ableton is messing with your A4 by sending program change messages when a clip is launched or something like that.

i will try that…
ive wasted 2 full days trying to get this to work.
i have a good understanding of what is supposed to be happening
but its just not behaving like tutorial videos etc…
ive sent elektron an email also…
something is stopping it from working properly