Arpeggiator - cv out?

New AK user here, cant find any info on the arpeggiator driving the CV outs.
Is this possible?
If it is possible, - can 2 CV outs drive 2 synths via the arps?

Would really LOVE midi out from arpeggios…

Luckily many great ipad arpegg apps are blowing all of these hardware arpeggiators out of the game, different swings, interactive surface etc,
Plus a heap of great NI creative arps.
(visual saviour from the crappy little Electron window)

I still hope there is some future in AKeys arp seriously talking to the outside world.

maybe the overbridge will be the saving grace here?

It’s pretty easy. CV A as 1v/oct CV B as trigger. Send CV A to your oscillator’s 1v/oct input and the trigger to your EG/ADSR trigger input. If you don’t ahve rests you can skip the trigger.

If you want two, you have have to us the arp on the FX track and have CV C and D take theier source form there.

Awesome - thanks,
now I need to make some leads to run my Minibrute and CS30 from the CV outs.

Cant wait for the overbridge - its going to (must) open a whole new world for the AKeys