AR MK2 pads velocity (again)

I know this is an old topic with many people saying that the pads are not sensitive etc but you can easily see how sensitive the pads are when you use the mute function where the slightest touch will mute and unmute the pads.
I have just been trying to use the RYTM as a trigger in Battery. The velocity output can be seen on the drum stacking part of the program and the RYTM is not outputting any values in the middle range. All you are getting is very soft or full velocity. The problem is not one of pad sensitivity but of lazy/ incomplete programming.
When I bought this machine I already knew that it wasn’t going to be ideal due to the fixed arrangements of the choke groups and I figured that I could work around this but this velocity issue is really pissing me off.
I figured that after more than 20 years, pad responsiveness technology must be far advanced from of what it was when I was using my crappy old BOSS DR660 from the late '90’s but the pad sensitivity on the RYTM MK2 is terrible and it’s inexcusable for a machine that costs over a grand to be so crippled in this area. Now I need to buy another machine for finger drumming etc.
When are Elektron going to fix this? It’s long overdue.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Analog rytm mk2 pad issues