AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

One thing I did notice is that audio inputs are no longer supported in Nuendo/Cubase via overbridge. There was previously an issue where inputs 1/2 weren’t assignable, they just disallowed all audio inputs unfortunately. Hopefully that gets figured out as it is a part of how I use the machine.

By machines he means the DT, DN etc boxes.

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Elektron, if possible could you implement a option for different velocity for the second generator in Euclid mode? The swith On/Off could have another option, like Acc (accent). In this mode, all triggers generated with PL2 woud have lesser velocity or variable velocity that would depend on the amount of triggers generated.
Or another idea, would be changes in velocity at the crossing triggers when the are affected by the bolean logic.


A huge thank-you to the team for the 1.7 update. The envelopes are so much smoother now and the Acoustics both sound great.

That said . . . I’m still hoping for a Mixer page.

(And of course Steps-Per-Page on AR and DT.)


I also would like to say thank you to the dev team.

The lack of scales and tuning seemed like a massive missed opportunity.

I’ve always been very confused as to why it didn’t have that

Beyond grateful they added this. Simply amazing.


I’m personally thankful for page loop. I don’t know how many times I’ve made changes in Page 3 or 4 and had to wait patiently for the play head to cycle around, realize the original tweak was off, change it, rinse and repeat. I couldn’t articulate a good solution for this, but the folks at Elektron did. Well done!


I noticed that immediately, the attack won’t activate if the envelopes overlap but the harsh click is gone, even on SY machines or samples, kinda big deal for me as I don’t have to constantly worry about the envelopes too much.

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You sure? Yhere’s nothing about env’s in the release notes.
Do they still click when pad x is cutting off pad y? Due to env’s not resetting

pretty sure, haven’t did proper testing yet but it was something very noticeable before and now I didn’t hear any harsh clicks with overlapping envelopes

needs to be tested for sure

iirc there is some mention about filter envelope clicks, maybe it’s connected to the amp envelope as well

There were sometimes unexpected clicks at the start of notes due to the filter envelope behavior.

Okay. I didn’t update yet. Need to capture my projects first

I did some testing on hihat machines as they were always the most noticeable, it seems that CH CLASSIC is still prone to clicks, BUT, if you bump the attack it will smooth the click now, on other HH machines it’s almost absent completely, on samples it’s not there at all, overall I think it’s a major improvement as the clicks were there for every sound before this update

Oscilloscope screenshots

CH CLASSIC not overlapping with ATK=4:

CH CLASSIC overlapping with ATK=4:

CH CLASSIC overlapping with ATK=20:

CH METALLIC not overlapping ATK=0

CH METALLIC overlapping ATK=0

OH CLASSIC not overlapping ATK=0

OH CLASSIC overlapping ATK=0

909 sample not overlapping ATK=0

909 sample overlapping ATK=0


The biggest issue I have with the Rytm is that there is a click when 1 sound cuts off another sound (shared engines). Doesnt matter which engine or if it’s a sample. Always clicking unless you fiddle with the attack. Is this “fixed” now?

looks like yes, at least with some attack, here’s OH with ATK=4 cutting into CH and OH only, you can see almost no click or volume change… the envelopes definitely feel improved, maybe not covering all the edge cases but overall it’s noticeable that it’s improved

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this might be one that exists?
i’d like a global option to turn default velocity to volume off for all tracks.

Just saw this feature - - from the new TE KO II, which applies the roll with velocity sensitivity to each step… in the Rytm (MKII for me) case it would be absolutely amazing to have this capability automatically set the velocity values of each trig while recording without having to waste the single LFO slot or manually set the values via trig lock!

you can do that with the RTRG always on and just quantized live record with the pads velocity, iirc the RTRG also has a velocity curve you can set

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I just tried this - it doesn’t seem to set the individual trigs/steps, just the one at the start. I don’t seem to be able to get it to retain the velocity curve either…

I am not sure how a wavetable playback is different, than sample playback, for the operation only a Lfo should move along the sample /waveform ? Would that be an option? Or is it unrealistic? I.e. stepped single cycles. Fixed frame intervalls, phase mod, pointer mod?

It would be nice to have the ability to assign different colours to the trig keys for each pattern. Easier to remember colours than numbers and for those of us with poor eyesight, number blindness, dyslexia etc.


I guess I didn’t fully understood what’s happening in the video you’ve referenced, yes indeed it will create a retrigged step for as long as you press it

there’s something funky going on with 1.70 and live recording of trig params including velocity, maybe that’s why…

I guess you can partially do what’s in the video :wink: