AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

I’d pay for extra features beyond promises at purchase. I would however expect bugs squashed on manufacturers buck.


Elektron , please Mute mode per pattern like on the DIGI/SYN product, i’m about to sell my beloved rytm mk2 black !!!


-song mode (choose first and last step of patterns)
-control machines (like in MD)
-real time sampling machines
-control ALL function
-the ability to change kits trough sequence or midi control (sort of like ‘kit chanel’)**
-midi live control over pattern start/end position global and per track
-hpf per channel


For sure

There must be a better way to copy kits with samples between projects rather than saving sounds for each track and opening sounds in the new project. Could this be done?


Not easy to remember but it is very doable! I agree though, should be accessible across projects without loading another.

As long as you leave sample slots open in the destination project, the samples will copy just fine too.


A simple UI request,

I think it would make a lot of sense to swap the locations of the LFO mode and LFO destination on the AR so it’s consistent with the A4.

LFO destination is such a commonly used parameter and it would be nice to have it in the same spot across the analog devices.


This makes good sense. I’ve recently got a Digitone and notice a few elements which are at odds accross devices. Standardisation would be a good move.

I also wonder about memory ability. It’s great for everyone to have a wishlist (bug fixes ought to be standard and a priority) but just how much processing power is available and what would it take to implement things? I never got my head round this element when it comes to computer programming, but it would seem to be somewhat finite when dealing with a machine that has limited capability unless there was a certain liberalism in terms of empty space already provided with update potential in mind.


An incease in the 127 sample slots would really open it up for me. I’m finding myself using all samples with the filters, but 12 pads only gives me 10 variants. For most purposes that might be OK, but I ideally need 30-ish full kits in the project.

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Rytm would be much improved by just being able to adjust the pressure sensitivity of the pads (logarithmic mode like with Ableton Push) and the gain of the external input (this is for outboard use of compressors and distortion), so I would really appreciate it.


just fyi, you can use external in for compression, not other effects unfortunately unless you’re using overbridge, then you can use everything including filters, lfos, etc.

I checked the sound architecture and only the compressor can use an external input. My apologies for the lack of confirmation.

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no worries, some things are not plain obvious so it’s easy to overlook even if you’re long time user, just wanted to reiterate that in daw with ovebridge you can route any audio to the tracks and use everything the machine has to offer, distortion, delay, reverb and the filters.

iirc the topic of using other effects from the analog path came up and it’s not possible to fix with firmware update, hope i’m wrong because it would be great :slight_smile:

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Is there a reason why on the AR the AMP HOLD parameter turns to NOTE when it’s at its minimum value?

It makes it very hard to quickly turn the hold to a low value.

On the DT the AMP HOLD becomes NOTE when it’s at its maximum. I think this makes much more sense?

When you want a note to sustain while the pad is pressed, it’s 99.9% of the time going to be because you want to hold the pad for longer?

Maybe I’m missing something obvious here?

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I would prefer the A4 LFOs page to be re-organized.

It’s f*** confusing!

It assumes we look at the display and read it like a book - left to right, row after row.

My brain doesn’t do that.

I read Elektron displays as columns.

It would work better for me if the LFO parameters were in the first 3 columns, while destinations with amounts in the last 2 columns with destinations above amounts.

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No idea why, I guess there’s benefits to both, but I always set note length on the trig page to the shortest value (0.125 IIRC). Then when amp hold is turned down it doesn’t jump to longer hold times…

I’m with you 100% especially since neither of those machines can do direct jump sequencing, I just can’t win.

remembering the position on SOUND SETTINGS menu. if I play with the CONTROL in KIT menu and I exit the menu, when I get back to it the menu is on the CONTROL slot making it easy to go back and fiddle with the CONTROL macros, but if doing the same for the VELOCITY/AFTERTOUCH you have to scroll every time you open the menu with [FUNC + FLTR], it opens at the top of the menu every time, would be a real time saver if it would remember the last position in the menu.

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I wish for MIDI Machine - same as in ST. Currently as a workaround I am using BT track to imitate this by using Noise Machine and I am turning off synth and sample engine so I can twist the AR knobs and control stuff inside Ableton. Not ideal nor elegant way but it works!



meanwhile, Idea/Tutorial by @pokk
