Appreciation for Dave Mech

I want to give BIG UPS to @DaveMech

I just watched his video for the new update, since I pulled the syntakt out of storage finally.

And jeez, its PACKED with sound design knowledge. Like, I want to pause every couple seconds to see what he is landing his settings on.

I want to limit sampling for a while for performances, and just do sound design… So I think I will use the Syntakt and the moog matriarch and develop a live set of just sound design.

Jeez, that tune he made showing off the Euclidian function… its soooo good!

Super inspiring individual, that Dave Mech, and his attention to detail is so much appreciated.

Linking the video, so people can see what Im talking about and hopefully subscribe! And to fully capitalize “Big ups”… because BIG is in the name!


You’re a good dude too rabbit, thanks for your enthusiasm here.


May the Techno Gods protect Dave Mech now and forever!

I want Dave to hold an educational retreat, ala Robert Fripp’s Guitar Craft. Let’s learn and jam together!


Dave Mech is a saint, thanks to him for all his wisdom and guidance to so many people.

Making a difference in people’s lives through music is difficult and the only thing harder than that may be to do it through music education. He’s doing both.

Heck of a guy and one hell of an educator.

Thank you Dave


He’s a good lad mr Mech. Quality music and great video/instructional material :ok_hand:t2:

Elektron needs to know they should send him a Tonverk when time has come to record promo material


Dave knows his shit. Makes banging techno too.


I try and fail and try again! Thanks Shiggz!


Yeah. I just took a hit and got his Syntakt courses.

I’m pretty good on how to use gear, but there is just so much I need to learn off of him.


Dave Mech is a genius, an extremely talented musician, and an awesome human being. I’ve had the privilege of doing a bunch of private lessons with him over the last few years, and it’s been truly inspiring. My music has improved by leaps and bounds through working with him, and I can’t imagine how I would have established the workflow I have with my Elektron boxes without the benefit of his guidance. And he is just a great dude. Woohoo!!


@silent_k That is the next move then? Splurge on some private lessons? How did you do it? Zoomies?


I had some Zoom sessions with Dave as well and would 110% recommend it.

I shared what I was looking for to improve and he created a customised plan on what we’d focus on during the sessions, got some really good tips out of it, improved my process, and definitely made me more confident.

Also he’s great to have a chat with during those calls, super friendly :slight_smile:


Yep! Zoom worked out great.

For me, having lessons both provided the opportunity to get really specific with my questions and goals, and added motivation for getting things done that I’m not sure would have been there otherwise. They’re obviously a lot of people who have a tremendous depth of knowledge about how things work, and then there are people who are really good teachers. finding both of those qualities in the same person is pretty rare. Dave is one of those people!


Just stopped by to say yes Mech!


The man got groove, techno skills and a love for music. Keep on keepin’ on Dave.


I’m a bit lost for words …. Thank you for your incredibly lovely post @BLKrbbt

Thank you all for this shot of pure, unfiltered positivity :slight_smile: I feel really lucky to be able to all this and that it apparently resonates so well with people. I really hope I can keep doing this for many years to come. So far so good :slight_smile:

Cheers and have a lovely day everyone !

PS. Still have a load of syntakt tutorials on the way. Probably will post the playlists once they’re all uploaded in a topic.


You can’t imagine the pleasure I had reading this !
I hope to see the walktroughs videos of RLSD and Antigas therapy.

I have learned so much from your lessons, but I still have a lot to discover!
Thanks Dave you are the boss!


Im just dropping by to share some of the tips Dave sprinkles in the Lessons, that I want to solidify in my memory…

This is what I picked up from the Mastering Syntakt course.

I may add to this list as I go, and this is on top of the lesson being presented, so as not to take away from the course itself. And hopefully you can see the value of what he is teaching with the context of these gems in the lesson… but they are quick tips buried in a dense lesson, so you have to really be listening or you may miss them, there are so many.

-He talks of managing low end frequencies, specifically about reverb below 300 htz, but anything under 100 htz should only be a couple elements max, and they should be tuned.


I’m also in the Dave Mech appreciation society - the down-to-earth yet high quality videos (those foley-based techno ones are rad, and love the DT/DN and mixer deep-dives in particular), the amazing feedback from users of the (excellent) courses on offer, the exceptional sample packs, the high-quality posts on our dear forum and the love of music and sound with live performance along with the willingness to share tips and tricks gleaned from years of research and dedication to the craft make Dave a very special person indeed.


And don’t forget about the amazing sample packs. They are super nice and I find my self using them often.


I don’t care what you guys say about @DaveMech, he’s ok by me!