Apple WWDC 2023

The goggles are obviously clever but the composited visuals of millionaires sat in their plush apartments is very different to typical life , and I doubt the projected visuals are ‘solid’ … they’ll be semi transparent
The fake face and animation for QuickTime won’t look that good
And eye tracking can get a little achey after a while

A mouse and keyboard will win …
Try selecting specific letters within a web page with you eyes …

It’s v1, will get cheaper over time.

That’s an OBX8 desktop. No subscription needed, all you can patch .

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I work behind a computer screen 10 hours a day. The last thing I want to do is virtual reality. Now Diablo IV builds are an exception. But I still got strained eyes by the end of the day.


Yeah, but only if it has a sequencer. And an extra pair of 1/4-inch inputs :smirk:


I think the visuals will be solid because the goggles aren’t transparent.

You are looking at a screen.

It’s super expensive, has crappy battery life even with an external battery and will probably be a bit janky, but I expect in 3 years it will be amazing.



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Not ranting at you, just ranting at the sky.

Old man rant.


I get it. I also rant at the sky sometimes.


Seeing those images I imagined a dingy, messy, 1990s bedroom producer’s space instead. Now, that would make for a great background for an Apple product presentation.


vision pro seems nifty, VR/AR still doesnt appeal to me but i get people are interested for media. gotta say, the idea of wearing your giant goggles around your kid so you can “relive memories” with them shows a dystopian disconnect of what spending time with your kid is about.


This 24 core Mac pro is insane

24 core M2 chips.


That one’s a dream machine. One of my favorite computers of all-time was a Mac Pro tower, circa 2007. Would love to have one of these updated Apple Silicon versions.

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Some of it looks cool but I’m definitely in the utterly horrified camp :sweat_smile:


I have the 14” Pro and I absolutely love it. Between the two I might consider the 15” Air if I was traveling a lot, but I mostly use mine in a desktop setup. Sweet looking machine, and a nice new option to have.

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I’m another one considering a 15” Air vs a Pro.

My other half has the 13” M2, but I’ve never tried using it much except to set it up and troubleshoot any issues she has.

I want to ditch the desktop and this is the first time I feel like that’s a possibility (for multiple reasons).

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I can see tech bros buying this for their long haul business class flights between San Jose and Beijing. The screen sharing from the Mac was cool, presumably you still use a keyboard and mouse for that. And the virtual shadows on the real objects from the virtual screen was also pretty cool.

But the dude with the goggles looking at at his kids playing games was seriously disturbing. And the promo’s presentation of the virtual screens in the real world are a subtle lie to hide the fact that rather than a shared experience, you’re completely isolated from the world wearing wearing these things. Our dystopian future is here, in aluminium and white plastic with an Apple logo attached.


Rental on a plane might be interesting, help reduce the feeling of flying in a tiny metal tube.
But I’d only spend that sort of money on … part of deposit on a house / car. Something important or substantial.

This was the best news all day:


I would recommend against the 13" pro. The design is pretty long in the tooth at this point. It is sort of the odd duck out in that they keep updating the internals, but never updated the rest of it with the redesigns that the Air’s and other Pro’s received. I am guessing they kept it on just to have one model that still has that touch bar. It’s definitely not a bad computer, but, I think the 13"/15" Air or 14"/16" Pro is the way to go right now.

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I might consider one of these in a few years in their 2nd or 3rd iteration as an external monitor — nice for those of us with not a lot of space at home.

But I wouldn’t want to be caught with one of these around other people! That’s just weird. However, I do wonder how many years it takes until these things are normalised. I still remember those strange few years in the 1990s when people talking on their mobile phones seemed like rude aliens to me.