Aphex Twin uploads fresh tracks to SoundCloud

For those who might have noticed that Casio RZ1 sample pack uploaded by Aphex on soundcloud, I made a video about how I made a kit for Ableton Live out of them.

Come have a beverage of your choice and hang out in the chatroom during the premiere at 18:00 french time if you like.

You can find the original sounds link as well as the Ableton Live kit in the video description.




I fucking hope so :slight_smile:


Does anyone know from where I can obtain this sample pack please thanks?

Follow the links in the video description


it says right there in a font!? (sorry to get arsey @Arsey_Rob )

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Thanks guys, I’m an idiot

Sometimes it’s hard to find stuff that are too obvious :wink:

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This is from the app that is associated with his current live shows.
Search YXBoZXh0d2lu in the app Store. It’s got that catalogue number on it.
Plays a snippet of a track that he seems to have played in Copenhagen on Friday.

Speculation that this may be the Cat. number of a new EP. He seems to have been playing a lot of new stuff in his shows over the weekend, so :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: for a new release as it sounds ace.


“Loading box…7%”

The app prompts to “scan box” when tapping the AFX logo.

I have been unable to find the box. Can anyone find the box?

lol at Reddit being offline when trying to learn about new Aphex shenanigans. This thread is the next-best place I’ve found with any info! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The string “YXBoZXh0d2lu” appears to be Base64 encoding. When this is decoded, it translates to “Aphextwin” in ASCII.

I’m not if this was discussed or talked about else where.

(I’m a software engineer, I was like, I bet this is base64 encoding.)


Is the nerdiest thing anyone has ever said in the history of nerds.


you flatter me :slight_smile:


Seriously, it’s so nerdy I’ve just had to wedgie one of my kids.


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not sure what the ascii art means in the web console for that site.

It’s the box! I’m sure it’ll be clearer once loading reaches 100%

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Sorry to break it to you dude, but the nerdier Redditors were all over this shit

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