Aphex twin Digitone test ?!?!

this track is clearly inspired by current sounds thread :slight_smile:

reminds me of drexciyan electro in spots


Confirmed Digitone sucks even Richard D. James canā€™t make it sound good. Selling all my Elektron gear and buying a tank.


Immersion tank or Sherman tank? (No, not a Sherman filtertank.)


Iā€™ve heard good things about the M1 Abrams plugin so Iā€™ll probably just keep things in the box.


even Richard got bitten by the chillpsyambient Digitone jam bug eventually

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This track rules. Love the electro vibe. I wonder how he chose to sequence it. I assume the Cirklon.

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Maybe more a test than a track as the title suggests.
I still like the sounds and patterns

I also really like the Matriarch Test on soundcloud


It would fit well into Current Sounds, but if I didnā€™t know it was RDJ, I would give it a like and move on. But it is just a test, it says so.


haha! aye, well thatā€™s the big questionā€¦ it could be but then, thereā€™s a few bits where itā€™s possible but the cynic in me is thinking ā€œyeah, but maybe heā€™s sequencing other gear from the midi tracksā€ā€¦

I think thatā€™s a fair assessment, itā€™s a fun collection of ideas that feel a bit chucked together to try things out. enjoyable enough listen and Iā€™ll be curious to see how well it holds up over time.

Aye, until RDJ emulates the 'Chre by making the sysexā€™s for whole live sets available then heā€™s still just the young pretender :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But totally agree about the Future Image stuff from back in the day - I really loved his MD/MNM stuffā€¦ he played Glasgow recently but I was too shy to speak to him about it in case I came across like a crazy internet stalker. Co-inicidentally, he was doing really good versions of his recent stuff released under his own name using just a DN and Nord Modular G2. Was pretty great.

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His vocal releases are excellent as well. At least one of them was released on Editions Mego (I think there are two), but they are available on Bandcamp.

Not to sound too old, but I believe he was high school (!) when we were on Elektron-Users.com and the stuff he was turning out was lightyears beyond what he had any right to be producing. Damm his talent! :smiley:

Vox stuff (along with other more stuff!) is released under Finlay Shakespeare: https://finlayshakespeare.bandcamp.com


derail: I was at that show too! Didnā€™t know about Future Image to know that Finlay Shakespeare was the same person.


I think I got to know his stuff around that time but it was via WATMMā€¦ I knew he was young but not that youngā€¦ I think Iā€™d heard the first of the Finlay Shakespeare albums before the gig so knew what to expect but have got his other albums since as really enjoyed it. Those gigs are all filmed and on youtubeā€¦

It was the first time Iā€™ve been to one of those nights and really enjoyed it - public transport back into darkest ayrshire is a bit of a pain in the proverbial but Iā€™m hoping to get up to more of them.


Nice one! yeah, thatā€™s a bit of a jaunt! I get to most of them and think Iā€™m playing before the end of the year.

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Love this. It fucking kicks.

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Good stuff! Let me know what you perform as and Iā€™ll keep an eye out and make the effort to get up for that one.

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I mean I liked it better than my first day in the digitone didnā€™t really dig in until day 2 !

I remember being frustrated after buying the monologue 6 years ago and couldnā€™t get it to sound like fenix funk

I mean if we own the same gear I should be able to make the same track, right? Right? RIGHT?


ā€œThe best musicians are people who never considered themselves to be artists or musicians.ā€ (Aphex Twin)


I looked at this track on a spectrograph and the waveform said:

ā€œWhy is there no arp on the midi tracks?ā€


it is an interesting question. and I think one of the hardest things for Cirklon users that also love Elektron sequencers. both are so powerful, you want to use them both. but that also really complicates things because now you have multiple powerful sequencers going that you have to coordinateā€¦

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