Anyma Omega Keyboard and Desktop from Aodyo

Given the potential with the emphasis given by the development on the Loom, the relationship between Omega Keyboard and Desktop is different now. The desktop version has gained a level of keyboard playing capability.

This also creates an opening for an “Explorer” level Omega, maybe even battery powered, and cost reduced. Early 2026! :space_invader:

I don’t see any room for a “Deluxe” level product though.

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I saw this reply but I understood it as the technology is the same, not the dimensions. But you might be right, and the last Omega pictures are from probably deprecated prototypes. Those pictures show a rather thick bezel around the ribbon, but the Loom doesn’t have it… If Aodyo has found a way to embed in the Omegas a ribbon as wide as the Loom’s, that would be amazing.

That’s the whole thing with stretch goals, it changes your design.

I notice they didn’t do 47 levels of stretch goals on the Loom and didn’t even mention aspirational things on that, like arpeggiation.

So new buttons added for the advanced sequencer, and plugs added for the CV interface, and the breath controller input.

Remember these :

The advanced ribbon controller be what we be talking 'bout.

I think that’s painted foam core, on a dropped in piece !
Jeanne point that out earlier.
It looks pretty good next to some protos i’ve made.

Remember last year when they did SFF and SB too, and the keyboard version mysteriously disappeared, and they showed only the desktop. I flashed back to shows i did with far less.

Ah, yes:

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Yeah :laughing:

110% in on that. :crossed_fingers:

I’m still kinda bummed we didn’t get an ADAT port.

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Today the Loom Kickstarter ends, and I hope that an Omega update will follow shortly. It’s been almost two months since the last update, hopefully the distribution of the first finished units will start in about two months, and it is time to hear how the project is doing.

Specifically, the hardware should be all done by now and it would be good to see pictures / videos of how the final product will look like. And yes, specifically specifically how the wooden ribbon will look like in the end, now that everyone has seen the Loom and its crowdfunding has ended successfully.

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I suppose you mean the hardware design being done and frozen ? The hardware is clearly not “all done”.

I will posit that the hardware design is not even done. Something of this complexity will be fluid past an initial factory manufacturing run-through. ( Helps that the factory is “local” on this. ) There is also the temptation to squeeze in the last design change ideas until that point. There is considerable risk with this, difficult to justify, but it is an option.

I have been wondering as well about the things learned with the Loom, that make its way back into the Omega. I am thinking of a few things, but specifically the positional colored LEDs, that serve multiple functions, though as i noted earlier, that might appear on the display as well. Certainly software features will be abundant.

Would be nice to see a progress report, but i have no lack of trust.


I’m very intrigued by it, because physical modeling synthesis is one of my favorite sonic territories.

However, they have multiple Kickstarters in flight at once, which is a really big swing.

I’m just gonna wait and see if they’re actually as capable of scaling up quickly as they believe they are.


Yeah. Actually the original project was the big one – ambitious – and that was apparent to us as crowdfunders, or should have been.

To be complete the only other crowdfund of the multiple you mention is the Loom ( thread ), and that has come out of the Omega development, and that furthers the Omega projects. Perhaps it adds some risk overall, but not much, and should improve the Omegas.

The Omega as well evolved from and gets benefit from the Phi which in turn benefitted from the Sylphyo.

I expect Aodyo to continue in this, there are other products wrapped up in the Omegas now as well, in years to come.


Today I was a bit melancholic :wink: thinking that we won’t see the Omega at Synthfest or Superbooth, and also wondering whether there has been any picture or video of the Omega shown since Superbooth. I couldn’t find any, but I found this video on Instagram where one can see in detail the ribbon and the surrounding bezel/frame which, yeah, could even be a cover of a work-in-progress. Still, I’m not sure a Loom-like surface fits there.

UPDATE – Aodyo is back on for SFF ! ( post )

ADDED – Looks like Aodyo got added back onto the SFF exhibitor list by mistake, and that they won’t be at the show.

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An update! It is confirmed that the Desktop version will get a Loom-like ribbon. :star_struck: No mention of the keyboard version yet.

Just to have the previous mockup side by side…

And also bring the electronics board they shared last November, to see whether there are other changes…



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So you will be able to use it as 4 control pads or 8 faders as well! That’s cool!

The last paragraph from the update :

The end of this campaign has allowed us to resume our work on the ribbon, as well as the polyphonic aftertouch keyboard, which should be the topic of our next news item.

Look forward to that.

As a user of the Hydrasynth Keys which has the conventional version of ribbon, with a poly-aftertouch keybed, the ways these two interfaces work together adds a lot to the expressive capabilities.

I am thinking the possibilities with the expanded ribbon system, in addition to the multitimbral synth engine, and all the other interfaces, on a physical modeling synth, will open the expressive possibilities even further.

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The keyboard will also receive the same possibilities but with a twice larger ribbon (a kind of 4 octaves Loom).


You all have a lot of very fun, creative work ahead of you !

This is amazing. Worth the wait, and I wish this will double the amount of eyes looking at the Omega with interest.