Any love for the DSI Mopho x4?

Awesome! Me too. I’ll check that one out.

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Love my mopho! It’s such a simple great - full on analogue. I am surprised often when I move to other monophonics how they don’t have all the whistle and bells of the Mopho. I’d love to play with a X4 but still so happy with the mopho (with a Ditto x4!!!)

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There’s a mopho x4 in great shape locally for 500. I don’t need it, I have a pro 3 polyevolver and lots of other great synths. But I’ve never tried one, and 500 seems like a steal…

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That is a steal! Its perfect as a controller keyboard and has a very deep 4 voice poly to go with it!

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Good video featuring Mopho X4 with Octatrack in a singer-songwriter/band setting.

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Thank you for the feedback! I’m gonna go for it!

I’m wondering how this holds up against the Take 5…

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Take 5 has one more voice, less modulation options, and more knobs. In my opinion the mopho looks better, especially with the prophet knobs added.

The keyboard is the same size, which is perfect imo.

As far as sound: I guess this is a matter of taste, I think a lot of people really like the take5’s sound. From the demo’s it didnt gel with me though.

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Maybe the real competitor here is the Analog Keys…

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Just got the chance to put my hands over a Tetr4 and I was completely blown away. The sound of this little box is simply amazing, so rich, and deep!

So difficult to compare to anything else, actually.
Even without any processing, the signal is unbelievable beauty, and massive.

I’m pretty sure it is really similar on design and voices to the mophoX4, but not 100% sure…

The enormous amount and variety of modulations sources such envelopes, lfos, sequencers, etc, makes it a superb box to dig into if you not afraid of programming :slight_smile:

Myself finding Blofeld a great synth and fun to program I see similarities with Tetr4 and the way it is layout.

So in love with its sound and design, unbelievable what Dave and Sequential did actually. Amazing machine difficult to compare from my point of view.