Annoyingly long power cables

Sup y’all. I often want to move around some of my gear in the studio, take it to work for lunch break sessions, or take it out.

Now my issue is not power. I have plenty of power solutions. My issue is the Digitakt and my Microfreak’s stupid LONG cables. I want to have a nice tidy set up with out miles of cables…

Are there any short cable solutions? I guess the MyVolts cables are options, but do they work with something like the plug attachment plug at the end of an iPhone cable?

Velcro ties


Could always just shorten the cables?

I keep a lot of the little wire ties that come with cords and some ground coffee bags for this.


+1 for Velcro ties. I use them for everything


I’m more annoyed at short power cables lol


RIGHT!?! the friggin’ Intellijel Cascadia cable is the shortest one I’ve ever seen, and infuriates me every time I try to move the thing around.

@aizoyurei I’d just look into a battery pack/cables for your lunch break sessions. then you can sit anywhere with your toys, and you can leave their original power supplies plugged in for studio use. no need to have to dig around to plug/un-plug.


Put your Digitakt and Microfreak cables together and you’d have about a third of a Tempest cable. That one’s about 45 feet I reckon. I tied a bucket on one end of mine and use it to bring up water from the well.


Bundling the cabling is key! If you have long enough Velcro, you can strap the excess cable to the brick.


One of the first things you learn as an apprentice Spark. The same mantra goes for any cable but especially power leads…

Better to be looking at it than looking for it


power struggle.


That’s the main issue. The main place I keep 'em is a pain in the ass to plug/unplug the power supply. So I’d rather keep those in place.

That Ricky Tinez video where he builds a pedal board was pretty cool but them Eventide thingies AIN’T cheap. Woowee. Who knows, maybe Santa’ll bring me one for Christmas.

Nothing more expensive than a cheap power supply that blows up your Elektron. Fortunately, it’s more likely that a cheap supply just causes your Elektron to not boot or randomly reboot. But then you still have to buy a good supply.

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The “double Velcro” method (the one with blue Velcro) is neater as can be seen from the photo.

Regarding the lead cord - have multiple lengths (+extenders) in a bin somewhere easy to access, ideally organized by type and color coded by length.


I had to use an extension cable for the Cascadia, the damn cable barely touched the floor from my rack lol

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You could also build some sort of portable stand / tray / platform / pedalboard and put the cabling, and adapters below the boxes.

Here is the smallest prototype I did for DT a few months back.

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Better than annoyingly short power cables :anger:

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I’m almost certainly overreacting due to PTSD from a brief stint doing telecom work that involved fiber optics, but those tight bends make my skin crawl.

Dyneema also hates sharp bends, but that’s another story. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


Absoolutely. I’ve got a handful of cheap 3rd party power cables that came with gear I ordered from Japan, and one of the power cables is literally 3 feet long - I have to use an extension cord with it. Not the end of the world, but definitely annoying.

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Yes, I am a bit worried about the cable bends as well. However shortening the cables via classic “O-loops” method without bends doesn’t always fit the bill, especially with those annoying cheap two-wire cables from 9/12V adapters. I’m keeping eyes open looking for a better solution.

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