Analogue heat on stereo bus Logic x

Hello, I’m running my AH plug-in on my stereo bus master chain on Logic Pro but when bouncing out of logic no effect is taking place. Please tell what I’m doing wrong. Thanks!

You need to bounce in real time, not offline. It’s an analog effect.


That’s the answer.

I think you could either route to a bus with analog heat on it then to an audio track, then record.

Or record using overbridge.

But with both, you need to record in real time, so arm record and play it through.

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Great thanks everyone! This is the way I do it for individual tracks. Thought maybe it worked differently on the master bus :upside_down_face:


I also found this thread. It’s sums up what I was trying to say, and though it’s a different circumstance, maybe the context might help.