Analog Rytm SD track sounds different from BD, CP + RS

Hi, as I understood the 4 bottom tracks should all be able to play the same kick drum sounds. I just stumbled on the Elek kick sound from bank A and tried to recreate it page by page. Somehow, even though all parameter pages were identical, it did not sound the same. So I store the sound as a preset “Elek recreated” and try it on another track. Boom it sounds like the original. So could it be the SD track that’s faulty? I try loading the original Elek sound on the SD channel and it sounds as it should. Now I’m confused. The Elek sound sounds right on all 4 of my tracks, the recreation sounds wrong on the SD track and right on the others. What’s happening here?

Video to showcase (sound is vastly different, but that’s not captured by my phone’s mic):

The new/auditioned sound will reflect the settings on each track.

To hear them the same, you need to clear the Track (Track+Clear) to hear them the same.

You mean in step recording mode press function + clear to clear track? Tried that, doesn’t make it work

I’ve just tested this on my mk2 and all the tracks sound almost the same (CP actually does something to the transient), perhaps you’ve not fully recreated the preset? any chance you share the Elek Recreated sound? maybe taking pics of every page while holding the page down for the values?

this is how it sounds on my rytm, trig 1 on BD, trig 2 on SD, trig 3 on RS and trig 4 on CP, same Elek preset…

Nope, it’s Track+Clear (play) to clear all the sound settings and set them to default.

(You need to select the track you want to clear first…)

I’m on a Rytm mk2, but presume it’s the same on the mk1.

Edit: here are the pictures:

What do you mean by track exactly? The Track button that I reach with Func + Chromatic? Also the Clear I need to press Func as well. What is the message you get after pressing your combo?

The button labelled Track above the Func button.