Analog Rytm Scale Sheets!

Thanks for the sheet.

So to transpose the bass synth, we have to raise or lower the pitch by values of 4? As stated in the manual 1 octave = 48 increments.

So 0 equals C, 4 equals C#, 8 equals D, and so on. Is this correct?

From memory, the TUN knob is 2 points per semi-tone, and the DET knob is 4.

But my memory is erratic these days. It’s also possible that different Machines have different tuning configurations. I’ll have to dig out the manual…

EDIT: mine just wasn’t a helpful comment. Sorry all.

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It’s much better the chromatic mode on the model::samples where the step buttons are semitones. Bigger range 16 vs 12, and the tonic (c note) is step 9, so you have notes above and below that.
I find 12 steps particularly irritating given the lack of the octave.
If you play keyboard, maybe inverting colors on the first scheme proposed here, would be much more intuitive (corresponding to white and black keys of a piano - major c scale is all white keys).

Yes indeed. It would have been nice if the accidentals had a slight different pad colour or brightness intensity in chromatic pad mode.
I was kind of bummed that there is no scale quantize option in the track or note setup page, like on the A4. I was a little bit expecting it as the DT, DN, A4 all have this