Analog RYTM Pad Issue, Fixed on Black Models?

I’m having an issue with my used RYTM MK2 where especially when on the Mute page, pads I am not hitting are firing. It even happens when I tap the chassis of the RYTM. I installed the latest firmware, factory reset, etc., but it didn’t help. Of course turning it off an on sometimes fixes it temporarily, but I’m still a bit concerned given how expensive it is, and this one is out of warranty.

I know this issue has been documented in a couple other threads, but I’m wondering if its worth returning this one while I’m still in the Reverb return window and buying a new Black RYTM to resolve this problem and for a bit more peace of mind.
Can anyone with a Black MK2 confirm if they’ve ever had this happen or seen it on other black RYTMs?
If the black ones are just as much of a gamble though, I’d maybe take my chances and keep this one.

Really hoping this can be fully resolved one way or another, I’d love to have a RYTM, but its hard when there is a pretty fundamental usability issue.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Analog rytm mk2 pad issues