Analog Rytm notes

Tidbits I’ve discovered while trying to create the typical sounds I like on AR.

  • The filter and the LFO are key to making unique sounds
  • LFO can do audio rate modulation on most params on most machines. Except noise. The random LFO shape unfortunately doesn’t go fast enough to sound like proper noise.
  • Some machines such as the low, mid and high toms behave non-linearly, seems like the same envelope is used for pitch and amp? Or some kind of feedback?
  • Voltage-controlled envelopes can only be changed on the trig, no effect during decay
  • Use filter resonance to add percussive body to things
  • Fast filter envelope for hardness / wood effect
  • Slower filter envelope for more artificial feel
  • Amp envelope is more concave than synthesis page decays, which sound linear. Use to make AR sound more like other Elektrons or “digital”
  • Think of the pad groups as folders. Even sample-only sounds can be categorized this way.
  • Impulse can be shaped into a variety of sounds with the filter
  • Using the sample page to add transients can make AR sound like a different synth
  • Clap when set at a very high rate can make old school maracas
  • Intentionally choke a continuously playing sample, works like a quick mute
  • All of the tom machines can make great kicks with deeper bass than the kick machines without the need for filter resonance. (Whether this is good depends on the mix.)
  • AR can do cleaner kicks with just single-cycle sinewave sample and the LFO. Lots of digital stuff can be done with samples…

These are all interesting observations, in what direction do you see this thread going? Are you using it to personally document what you find on the machine or do you want people to contribute additional notes?




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