Analog Rytm mkii + morningstar midi control

I use my AR live but also play guitar and sing so I need some things to be handsfree (= control it with my feet on the floor via Morningstar MC6 mkii midi controller). I’ve so far managed to make my AR start/stop + mute/unmute different sounds via my MC6
Now I’d like to change pattern on AR via MC6 but can’t find it in the AR-manual (maybe 'cos I don’t know midi- or programming languages). I like to improvise live and therefore I don’t use “chain” or “song” mode on AR.
Thanx for help

All Elektrons change Pattern in response to Program Change messages. They need to receive the message a few steps before the actual change. The message queues the incoming Pattern, and the current one will play to it’s end before changing, similar to manual Pattern selection. IIRC the manual lies, claiming that the Pattern’s ChLEN property (in the Scale menu) controls the length before changing, but this is only true for manual changes. So you can’t set a Pattern to have MLEN=INF, or it’ll never change.

Presumably, Program 0 queues Pattern A01, Program 1 queues Pattern A02, etc. I’ve not checked, I’m just guessing.

Thanx for info about how the pattern will change when the time comes to do so. What I don’t understand is when you write "Presumably, Program 0 queues Pattern A01, Program 1 queues Pattern A02, etc. " In MC6 I can tell it to send Program Change (PC) then it asks for 1) which “PC number” (then 2) “send to all midi numbers: yes/no” (then 3) “midi chanel: 1-16”. Here I don’t understand what to do. Example: I have a pattern on AR, bank C pattern 11 and want MC6 to switch between pattern 11 and 12 and back to 11. How do I do that?

You need to configure the AR to recieve Program Change messages, on a certain channel. You can pick the channel; it’s helpful if it’s a channel not used by anything else in your setup.

FUNC+FX should open the MIDI Settings pages. I think you get a top level menu first. In Channels you can set the Pgm Ch Recv (program change recieve) channel. I usually pick one 13 or higher so it can’t conflict with the default channels for the Tracks/pads… but it might not matter. I recommend also that you make it different from the setting labelled Auto Channel. That one does helpful stuff but probably not in your setup.

After that, press NO to exit back to MIDI Settings, and next go to Sync. In here, set it to Recieve Pgm Ch, and maybe Recieve Transport… and to NOT Send either of those.

Now on you MC6 the answers to your questions are:
A) PC number … I’m not sure. I refer to my earlier message. You probably need to work out a conversion from C11 to whatever that is in 1-indexed decimal… 43 maybe…? And so C12 would be 44. Someone else here may know better.
B) send to all channels? - No
C) send to which channel? - the one you configured as the Recieve Pgm Ch

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