Analog Rytm MK2 initial impressions

Has anyone loaded any soundpacks in their AR2 yet? I’m a little confused over what to save and where to save it. I bought a few soundpacks from Elektron. I was successful with transferring the kits from one soundpack, but when I try to transfer more kits they don’t seem to show up in the kits list. I know I have to use the Transfer app for samples, and C6 for the rest.

I don’t have to create a new project for every soundpack do I? I’d like to have one project with about 32 kits in it.

Also, on the one soundpack I successfully transferred (Divine 909), the kits seem like only a few pads trigger sounds, which is weird.

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On my Windows 7 system, I could handle all sound pack content via Tranfer App.
It took me a moment to understand, that you can’t just transfer samples with it, but also other project data.

  • on the RytmMkII ->Global->Sysex Dump->Sysex Receive->Anything->(right side) Receive Any->Yes
  • then drag and drop your content into the the Transfer App

I guess it will not work well to put everything into one project, since that might overwrite things.
But once you have your content in different projects, you should be able to get kits manually into other projects, including one common project for your 25 kits, as long as you reconstruct them (it seems that the kit->sample references aren’t dynamic, but static: so a kit refers to active project sample slots in a static way, no smart dynamic referencing, as far as I see so far: a real letdown for flexible kit/project management).

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Thx. I wish Elektron would put out a little tutorial video on soundpacks for the mkII units, as the process is different from the originals.

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New firmware 1.40C released:

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Just bug fixes:

Blockquote List of changes from OS 1.40B to 1.40C
Bug fixes
[MKII] Units would sometimes freeze during the startup sequence.
[MKII] Units would sometimes, at startup, incorrectly report the UI as not having been tested

Glad to see Elektron jump on that freezing problem.

Yeah I actually did experience that with my new unit one evening. I did my best to pretend it didn’t happen.

Glad it could be fixed in software. I feared worse.

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Truth. They probably could have saved numerous returns if they had issued this fix a few weeks ago.