Analog rytm mk1 glitch & sync issues during recording

How is your troubleshooting going? I am using Live 10, AR Mk2 with OB. I experience some of the issues you are describing. Things get crackly, slow down a bit here and there… audio will fall out of sync with Ableton. I’ve determined that it is actually the Rytm audio that comes in slower than the accompanying Ableton layers when I’m running OB buffer at 256, and Live buffer at 512. Weirdly, when I switch the OB buffer to 128, it is more stable.
Like yourself, I find it confusing that a more demanding buffer setting results in LESS problems.
Trying to investigate, but not finding much.
Please update me on any insight you might have gathered.

Hey, i fixed it by investing some some extra money in my imac. My imacs model sadly couldnt be uprgraded to more than 8gb ram memory, so i switched the hdd with a ssd card. All problems gone…
So maybe my imac just wasnt compatible with the OB beta, eventhough it should have been.
Hope you can fix your own issues soon too. It feels like my real Rytm experience only just started and it’s amazing…

Oh that’s great to hear. Do you now have 16GB of RAM or more?
I seem to have no issues with my OB buffer set at 128, but I’m still confused as to why 256 wouldn’t be even more stable.
And yeah the Rytm is great. Sample slot LFO+conditional trigs 4 life.

i only switched the hdd for an ssd card cause i cant upgrade my ram, so i’m stuck with 8 gb. there’s no difference between any of the buffers for me now, everything go super smooth. costed my 300 euro though…