Analog Heat MKII and Sonarworks SoundID Reference not happy

Had Sonarworks SoundID Reference working fine in order to achieve better headphone mixers (via BehiringerX32 mixer as an audio interface). Just purchased the Analog Heat MKII. Was not really intending to use it as an audio interface - more as a VST plugin, but having the option as an audio interface is appealing just the same. However the SoundID Reference processing ceases to function as soon as the Overbridge Engine is started. So unfortunately the two can’t work together which is a shame. I have reported the issue to both Elektron and Sonarworks in the hope of a fix. The Sonarwork’s SoundID Reference works well with my BeyerDynamic headphones for mixing purposes and it would be very beneficial if both worked together. This post is to alert other Analog Heat users to the issue and also in the hope that some other user may have solved the problem somehow. Thanks.

Have your tried putting another plugin in front of the AH - like an EQ plugin? Dose that make any difference…

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Are you using SoundID systemwide or as VST?

I don’t have an analog heat, but with DT etc it needs to be in usb audio/midi mode to function as I expect an audio interface to function

Please get in touch with Elektron support so that they investigate this!

Thanks Voyage I’ll try that later today and report back.

Thanks Bloop - I’ve tried both system wide and as a VST - no change

Thanks LyingDalai I’ve already reported this to Elektron

Have you set up AH as an separate output profile in SoundID?

Is it possible your beyer profile is still trying to direct the processed sound out the x32?

Thanks again Bloop. When the SoundID Reference program is started while the Elektron Engine is active the Beyer Dynamic Profile is not even present. The program asks to set up a new output which I do with the output being the Analog Heat outputs (Analog Heat is connected via USB). But after setting up the outputs SoundID Reference still doesn’t work. If I close both the SoundID program and the Elektron engine and the start the SoundID Reference program again all reverts back to normal including the presence (and correct operation) of the Beyer Dynamic profile.