Analog Heat +FX Feature Requests Thread (AHFX FR)

I am frustrated that I cannot have a direct signal pass-through. For example, by programming delay to feed the tape warble and emulate a tape delay, your direct signal is warbling too, as it passes through both modules. We need a way to blend the input signal directly with the output.

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I don’t get it, there’s Dry/Wet (third knob from the bottom-right) …

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Unfortunately, it does NOT work. That mix level knob only control the WET/DRY ratio within the analog block, and this one is in series with all others: HEAT>DELAY>WARB … there is no way to have the dry input signal not pass the whole chain.

I need something like

          \          /
           -- WARB --
  1. A way to insert my other fx pedals into AHFX/Ableton via OB, and drop them into the flow page on AHFX.

  2. Machine/pedalboard concept where digital fx can be switched out.

  3. Macro controls to use to do performance transitions. Guess an external CV controller could do this, but be nice to repurpose a few panel knobs and save with presets.

  4. Plug in an iPad over usb as further insert fx processor and select that as a ‘machine’ in the flow screen, so I can add in more processing.

  5. A live performance fail feature. If using as an end of chain device straight to PA or mixer, would love an emergency response thing that can catch if my computer/groovebox or whatever crashes. Could be as simple as just an ambient music loop player, enough for me to restart or swap some cables around in a panic!

FX machine ideas:

Pitch shifter/harmoniser
Reverse delay/octave style delay/pitching
Freeze/phase vocoder
Cabinet simulation


In warble mode: would love for the tape spindles to spin faster or slower to indicate what your speed is


Some nice ideas here!

would love the ability to bind midi CCs to activating/bypassing fx blocks.


Nice. Being able to add duplicates would be very useful (eg: reverb at beginning and end of the chain etc.)

Also, a simple moveable eq would be welcomed.

But so far, I am loving the audio coming back out of AHFX. Wow.

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Maybe a way to override the direct interface of the Heat controls with the selected FX/mod track? Or make them as macro controls ala Analog 4 or direct controls ala Digitone Keys

I haven’t played with the +FX at all, sadly.

But I imagine being able to flip from Heat controls, like filter/res/Mix/gain to Reverb Pre-Delay/Env Follower depth/LFO Frequency or Bit Rate would open up a lot of performance tricks.

Maybe even if there were like 3 user pages with custom controls that you could scroll back and forth with with button combos might vastly improve the limitations of the interface

It’d be nice to not only see delay divisions (with cog or other “shift” button), but also all the parameters like Seconds for Reverb Decay, mS or Hz for Chorus Speed, mS on Compressor attack/release etc.

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Midi CC as a destination for envelope follower
Imagine controlling other pedals with sound dynamics
And insert for other pedals would be great too


I want to focus my envelope generator on the frequency of my kick then modulate the gain of a specific frequency with it.


I evaluated fab filter 3 for the first time and got destroyed in LUFS land. The heat+ could be so much more a mastering tool than it already so strongly is. Dynamic EQ, mid side stuff, digital aural exciters… all moving from the mod matrix!

Is it possible to have the AH+FX only output a wet signal? I’m looking to use it in an FX send on my TX-6 mixer.

Yes, that’s possible. You only have to crank the mix knob for each FX block to fully clockwise.


Does anybody else find it a little annoying that when selecting a destination for an LFO, pressing the DEST knob does not confirm the selection? You actually have to press YES to confirm the selection.

Sort of a nit picky thing, but so far I have no other requests.


My biggest request for the Analog Heat+FX would be less heat.

My shit already sounds fantastic, why are you thying to make it sound even better?

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My AHFX arrived yesterday and I’m having so much fun with it, using it both as an end-of-chain device and Lyra 8 destroyer.

I kinda knew this was going to be the case but by far my biggest feature request is a macro control page. I get that Elektron wanted to repurpose an older design but trying to perform with it w/o dedicated macros is a pain.

(edited in an attempt to appear less moronic)

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Apologies I’m advance for probably insulting your intelligence, but is that actually the screen that’s scratched, or a screen protector? If it was bought new, it should have a protector fitted (hoping you get to peel those scratches away).

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So many people have said the same until realising it was the screen protector, it’s often hard to peel and so many have said the same


Lmao of course it was, jesus f christ. Now excuse me while I go shoot myself in the face! Cheers for the advice :smiley: