Analog Heat as MIDI interface?

I know it’s been discussed, and it doesn’t seem particularly likely, but it makes sense, and it would be very appreciated if if this functionality were added.


Was it ever added, no?

…remains a good and reasonable question…
as far as i know, it’s still the magic box with this one little but huge restriction…
flawless with a flaw…

it must be some technical no go, otherwise it would work this way since day two…
still can’t imagine what could be the problem here…
so i keep on wondering…

once berlin hq is back to halfway normal life, i need to talk about this…

Perhaps this could be a feature in their oft-requested master mixer/FX box.

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It would be very useful indeed and make the Heat a nice little soundcard.

I doubt there is a technical barrier, many manufacturers have glaring omissions like this so I can only guess it was never important to them so they put their resources into other things.

I doubt it will ever be updated again, but who knows. You would think this functionality would have been added to 1.20 back in Oct 2019 if it was coming…

Is there any rational reason why the midi in port doesn’t receive notes?

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My “Settings --> MIDI -->Port Config --> Input From” is set to USB by default (I’ve never changed it.) Have you changed it to USB+MIDI?

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