Analog four - Sequencer Tricks

I remember seeing this on youtube, back when I didn’t have an A4. Is this technique still up to date or did a Firmware update make it obsolete?

Could find neither the video or information about that.

Still works!

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Following this thread with interest.

Here’s one I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned here: Utilise a neighbour track as a polmetric filter bank/accent. Set your osc input on track 2 and 4 as NEI, open up the AMP gate on your first step with infinite hold on both, and a condition of 1st.

Set track 1 and 3 as linked polyphonic tracks with “play track sound” in the poly menu. Pan tracks 1 and 2 left, 3 and 4 right. Or keep 1 and 3 centered and only have your filters in sidebands, worlds your oyster.

Set step count for track 1 and 3 to whatever you want, as long as they’re the same.

Set the steps count for the track on 2 and 4 to odd numbers like 5 and 9 or something.

Set master change length to INF or something that mathematically makes sense to let this evolve over time.

Set up the filters on your neighbour tracks (2 and 4) to have some filter envelope action and add a bunch of trigs. Set them slightly differently, different env amounts, different frequency, different resonance etc. Add trigless locks fucking about with LFOs and OVR too, for good measure.

You can now enter trigs on track 1 and you’ll get stereo filter manipulation in a weird, evolving time signature for whatever you’ve entered on track 1. Nice for complex, evolving acid lines where the main melody actually stays the same, it’s just got a moving groove accompanying it via the neighbour filter accenting and darkening.

If this was a shit explanation, let me know and I’ll add photos/rewrite it later on!


Any particular brand of toothpicks you recommend for this ? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Would love to hear a demo of this.

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The free toothpicks you get at your favorite BBQ joint work the best.


I’ll try and rustle something interesting up this weekend for a demo! Apologies, I’ve been a bit busy this week, my gran passed away. Funerals and family have been the locus of the week :(.


Sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and please don’t worry about the demo.


Yeah if you can post a video of this that would be awesome. I’ve really started to explore running the channels through each other.


this sounds fascinating. if you do get around to a tutorial I would absolutely appreciate that. Thanks!


A sequencer trick that doesn’t get mentioned much is located in the poly allocation menu - if you check “use track sound” and set the mode to rotate, triggered notes will switch between the timbres assigned to each track. You can use this for more subtle Monopoly/Performer style arpeggiations or you can put it on an existing drum pattern and completely mulch it. You can hear this in action on the second track here, which is all A4 with a bit of external compression: Sladen Suit | HOT PISS OFFICIAL


Here’s an example with a 303-esque patch, from the Factory B bank “TBSquirrel”.

Track 1 is playing a 16 step loop at 1x speed with a few conditional triggers.

Track 2, 3 and 4 don’t have an oscillator, they’re just using their neighbour as an osc.

Track 2 has a 16 step sequence but is playing at half speed. Some steps are conditional. Some steps have a touch of overdrive.

Track 3 has a 12 step sequence, but is playing at 1x speed. Some steps are conditional, some steps have overdrive, some steps use osc 1 as a feedback source and slightly wiggle it using an lfo to level.

Track 4 has a 6 step sequence being played at 3/2x speed. Some steps have overdrive param locked, some steps are conditional, some steps play with filter env depth, attack and fade.

The exact same pattern has been used here, but I’ve replaced it with the ATMOs Easy patch from one of the free elektron packs. All I’ve done is slow the master track to x1/2 rate to give the filters more room to move about, and it’s a bit less of an aggressive patch.

Both are being run through the octatrack to capture them, with a little bit of compression, reverb and drums for context on the second one.

Sorry, took a little longer for me to get a bit of time to demo something!



some new tips here ? been trying to check alls