Analog four/keys --> newb what does poly mode give me?

as a quick introduction, i’m an ableton soft-synth guy. software and it’s limitless-ness has really clogged up my creating/writing. i’m turning to hardware hoping external restrictions will help me make some choices.

i picked up a machinedrum, op-1, moog little phatty, and i’m exploring either the a4 or the ak, and there is one questions i have yet to fully asnwer:

can the a4/ak accomplish some of the workload i’m used to my soft-synths (poly) covering? i do realize that there are 4 voices, aka max of 4 notes… but that aside can it do pads, strings, etc.?

i guess i’m still a little unclear if poly mode means to a newb, how it translates.

having some hardware restriction will surely turn into a good thing for you.
i would suggest you to have a look in the media section for some examples of what the A4/AK can do (youtube is your friend as well :slight_smile: )
pads and strings won’t be an issue…the A4/AK are capable of some really nice sounds