Hi, mi Analog Four suddenly stop sending out audio and/or CV
I did a “factory reset” and an “empty reset” but the problem is still there.
So I performed the general test and it was OK for everything but audio. This item shows a negative sign (-) plus “1234” (I guess this is no audio for all the voices)
Also calibration procedure give me a “PWM error” and then stop.
Any similar experience? Is there something I´m missing?
the obvious thing: are you using the correct power source?
when i saw dead CV in the title… it’s possible to disable the CVs by sending a certain sysex command via MIDI to the A4… but it’s unlikely this happened unless you’ve tried to sniff for sysex responses from the a4 by sending specific commands with the right header…
I got a compatible power supply, not the original one since I lost it.
I was using this power supply for about 1 year without any issue before, but I´ll check it
The current state of the kits is not the same as the reloadable version ie saved kits. If you like the way a kit is sounding, save save save! Might be related to that !
imo this one is a big pitfall, I think Elektron should include a safety card with the device to warn & help users prevent data loss like this… would be funny if it’s in the style of these airplane emergency sheets?
yep, I know this but ALL my kits and patterns was saved to death…I think I saved them a zillion times after any edit, in a very TOC way, since I lost some stuff in my firsts days with it