Analo RYTM MK2 Randomly Stops Playing


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Have you tried using different MIDI cables?

(I know you say it happens using Overbridge too, so it’s likely not a MIDI cable problem… I’m just trying to develop a checklist)

Disconnect from the internet. You sometimes find it is something happening in the background.

So right now there is only USB and Power connected. Is there some setting that could produce this error?

Disable auto updates?

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What do you mean by updates or internet? NSA is stopping my AR?

Possibly related to this thread?: Overbridge pauses my device - #17 by itako

Personally speaking I had a similar issue, went through a few things with Elektron support and didn’t get a resolution. I have a suspicion in my case it’s some sort of ground-related issue and I may need to try a different USB hub, multi-plug, or computer with it and see if it helps but for now I use it as is.


I have noticed the same thing, and wondered what was going on. I think in fact both the AR and the OT will stop unexpectedly. Not necessarily both at the same time. Actually, it only seems to happen to the OT.

Hi all,

I have exactly the same problem. For me this issue started to appear after I installed Big Sur a couple of weeks ago. Before the Big Sur update everything worked perfect. Because of Big Sur I also had to update the Rytm to 1.61B so maybe it has to do with this? Pretty annoying when you are recording…

Happening here too. OB over USB into Reaper, synch off. No other MIDI happening. AR Firmware 1.61B and latest OB.

Think a support ticket is in order.

I was able to fix this by setting sample rate to 44.1khz and buffer to 32 samples, but i also found a driver update for my audio interface.

Also make sure to not send any sync from ableton to the rytm (or from)
In midi config on the rytm also set everything to off.
The plugin handles all sync itself, setting the plugin to song position seems the most stable for me.
Lastly in “Ports Config” input from and output to should be set to USB only since midi limits USB speed.

Hope it helps, but i guess it’s still a problem with the overbridge software on their side.

I don’t have my rig attached to a computer at all, and still the OT stops randomly, while the Analog Rytm keeps running.

I own the AR mk2 since august, and the same happens to me… everything is connected to a motu midi express, and it stops playing randomly, while the DT and DN keep playing, this is a bit annoying. I can’t imagine if it happens while playing live :sweat:

Just adding to the soup. Same problem for me.

Windows 10
Studio One 5 Pro DAW

One wrinkle that maybe bears mentioning…I don’t get random stops if I start playback from the DAW transport buttons (Studio One 5 Pro is my DAW). In this case, my DAW is rolling, of course. But if I start playback using the hardware transport buttons on the Rytm II, while Overbridge is connected, the DAW doesn’t roll, but the Rytm II does. In this situation, I get the random stops. However…if I start playback from the DAW transport buttons, I don’t get random stops, but I still get weird tempo variation now and then…usually preceded by a glitch in the beat…then pitch and tempo sometimes vary a bit while playing…by “a bit” I mean way noticeable…usually, but not always, triggered by hitting the pads. But sometimes while just staring and not touching…

If I disconnect USB cable entirely, and just go stereo outs into my interface…5-pin DIN MIDI sync from DAW using E-RM Multiclock with audio signal for sync… everything works perfectly. But, of course…no Overbridge.

Same here!! It randomly stops playing.

OS 1.61B; Windows 10; Overbridge

Same here. 1.61B macOS Monterrey latest.

Why not OS 1.61E?

I didn’t realize there was a newer version. I will give it a shot. Thanks!

Today audio dropped out a couple of times, remembered there was a new OB and firmware update, updated, havent had a drop out since.

Thanks big E.
