“Amazing top secret portable music workstation”

@Fin25 Edit - fixed it


Not sure if it’s a USB-A port or just the poor viewing angle and quality of the video, might be a USB-C port or something else. Plus it’s a prototype

If it is Polyend, their Tracker doesn’t even have a headphone port, they’re not great when it comes to connectivity

I think its intentionally in a bigger case than what would be released, like when a car manufacturer uses squiggly paint and pads to hide body details during real world tests.

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cant be?



Oh wow, you’re probably right, I forgot about this one.

I don’t think it’s this.

He mentioned an NDA in the video
Wouldn’t need to sign an NDA for a device that’s already out in the open


No built-in mic either. But damn is that close to a Tracker mini. So many similar devices out there

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have people forgotten how amazing an ipad can be ?
or a phone.

new shiny devices are nice of course… once they reach 4 or 5 firmware versions in…
i saw polyend play had an update with ‘editable master fx’.
i was a bit amazed that wasnt on v.1 … i learnt to be far more investigative on actual features and not basic assumptions .
polyend arent unique to this… i’m just using them as an example here.


It’s all the faffing around with camera connection kits and soundcards that put me off all that malarkey. It’s just not as portable as it first seems unless working entirely ITB. The removal of a headphone port on some models is a PITA too.


i get that…but
1 x is likely to be a device you’ve already got.
1 x will be another outlay of hundreds of £££ or $$$ or whatever,… and if you want a better delay/reverb/synth/granular/modular system/ configurable fx routing / you just have to cross your fingers.

sorry to go off topic a bit — new shiny/black thing!!.. i’ll keep an eye out…the M8 still looks nice and interesting.
maybe its a new hardware revision of the M8 ?


Yeah but a screen is a screen is a screen is a screen. Sometimes it doesn’t feel alive enough. It’s like typewriters vs computers for writers and poets. Don’t know about Gertrude Stein though.


Personally I’m done with iPads, my 2019 iPad Pro is shit, ghost touches from new, no headphone socket, no SD slot and the USB storage has no proper unmount so will corrupt thumb drives.


I’d actually asked them about an update on this few weeks back but no reply

You may laugh, but I once had a pair of jeans very much like that.

It was the 90’s.


iPAD pro AUM, Fabfilter stuff (Twin 3 is great), Borderlands etc…there is nothing at all on the market more portable and more powerful, but other gadgets are fun and have more hands on stuff perhaps- the iPAD is just an touchscreen computer, ITB etc- but as I aways have it with me anyway its the thing I use most.


Yeah, I’m out of the iPad race too. It doesn’t really do anything well enough to be worth it.


Yeah, I have one but never use it for reasons mentioned above. Far prefer my M2 laptop. I have been looking for a decent companion for it though mainly as a midi controller. I really liked Tracker for the pads. A mini USB-C Tracker sounds intriguing if it keeps the pads and ditches the prone to failure jogwheel.

Having survived the NYC rave scene in the 90’s I absolutely wore those jeans. Back then people didn’t have cameras in their pockets, I think that was for the best.


As long as they can be easily paired with nice tactile hardware then sure, but I find touchscreens to be absolutely hateful for anything other than the most mundane page scrolling tasks.




If this is a portable Polyend Tracker it’s an instant buy.

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