Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

I literally never use it. I very rarely change tempo, and if I do it’s with the keys, and I use the function keys for track selection.
You are right that a joystick would have been a better option. But the Machinedrum was already an expensive machine, especially for when it came out. So imagine how much more that would have added to the price. Some product design is made for pricing purposes, and they are usually the ones we complain about.
Maybe someone will come up with a clever hack?! Put the word out and you never know. Mechanical engineers love a challenge.

I actually picked up the MNM last night, for the first time in a long time. (I have been getting distracted with modular.)

It is a phenomenal machine. I was having an absolute ball. I think I might dedicate a good month to exploring it fully and creating sounds on it. Dare I start up a MNM love thread? :sweat_smile:

Its hard to choose between the two. They are very different beasts, and sit very nicely next to each other, which is what Elektron we’re going for I am sure. So, why not have both!

Much like the MNM, on the MD, I think the best results are had when exploring with the LFOs and messing with parameters locks (and trigless trigs on the MNM). And both do not need samples. The beauty is in the built in machines.

I suggest some cowbells, noise, snares and kicks for some good sound exploration on the MD. And if you have the new non official firmware, the synth machines.

Also on the MD, assigning FX or control functions on a track as opposed to a machine, can also bring a pattern to life, and make the MD much more playable live.


at the risk of blowing my own horn sharing this as it’s not often i’ll return to a recording and be really happy with the capture.
The MD clicks, glitches and garbles during live performance (mostly when using ROMs and envelope stuff) but i’m at peace that that is part of its sound :grimacing:
This one has a kind of flow state to it where i wasn’t over thinking transitions and tricks and just let the patterns roll out by themselves.
I’m still yet to find a human/machine interface that allows for fun creative expression like this old timey synthetic percussion sequencer. :slight_smile:


The spontaneity of this capture makes it all the more interesting

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I think i’ve missed a saison. You find a MD ? If it’s the case, i’m very happy for you. I was so embarrassed.
But finaly everything is cool.
I’m so happy having change my mind. I would have a lot of regret.
Now, when i ear what you do with it, i think you was made for it.
Cool breakthing idmishway of play MD👏

Edit : really like your track, feeling, samples and break, everything is appealing.


thanks! i wanted yours to do :


Ahhh, OK, i understand. Nice idea
Less remorses :sweat_smile:

I never thought to play 2 MD. Can be fun, i saw

I finally found a reasonably priced MKI and I can’t wait for it to get here. This time I’m really going to use the f*ck out of it!

(It’s missing a few aux jacks but that seems to be the only flaw and easy replacement I think…)


welcome back, tell us about the withdrawal symptoms and thought process that triggered the need to return to the MD. did you get a UW?

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Just plain MKI. Dude it’s been terrible without it, I always intended on getting another one. I have a Digitakt so UW would be redundant, the only thing I wish I had are the stock samples! Even though I have so many other ways of doing drums, they aren’t a substitute. I even tried to recreate some of the FM machines as combinators in Reason, and while they are cool instruments in of themselves I realized they actually don’t replicate the real thing, only coincidentally sound like it at some settings. One thing I couldn’t replicate is how “stable” Elektron managed to make them, every setting is technically a sweet spot. Anyway, the real reason I couldn’t wait any longer is I guess I realized Machinedrum is kinda more than a drum machine, it’s more like an electronic laboratory, and also those little machines are way more valuable than I used to think, for all the work they put into making them sound unique, and easy to tweak. Something changed, I gained this new appreciation or something.


Machinedrum and monomachine are peak Elektron we all wish to get back to some days


The UW sampling is 12 bit tho and has a charm of its own like the whole machine.

You can run the Digitakt through the Machinedrum input to glue everything together and add lo-fi goodness. :smiley:


Yeah, but the DT can technically replicate this with its BRR setting. Probably doesn’t sound exactly the same as the subject of bitcrushing algorithms is surprisingly deep, but I really don’t need it right now. One day when I’m rich I’ll get a UW again and bling it out!!

I have fond memories of using 808 samples and other stuff……

But it’s gonna csst another G it seems for that luxuary ((
Basically UW trebled in price since I got my units secondhand……

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MD for life. had mine for 10 years and I still find new weird stuff to do with it.
plugging the outs to the ins is my new favourite thing.


smelting parameters


Out for delivery … I’m going to spend the evening banging out wild patterns …

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My GOD what a weird damn box, I love it

Having the no UW and only 2 bars is helping me focus. i’m only using the first bar and above that plan on sequence externally or chain patterns and treat em like building blocks

Went from 5 years ago being daunted, to feeling lost/restricted and that good things came by accident or after blacking out, to now, i consider it deceptively simple and VERY tailored to creating these peculiar electrified fluorescent drums. Most of the machines are pretty ugly. I know that sounds like a knock but the reason I got my first one was I loved the ugly sounds in music by The Knife so it’s been a weird journey to actually embracing the ugly for myself. Some of the EFM machines have insane range and it reminds me of Model:Cycles. Others are more utilitarian so don’t expect too much of them. Some are barely changeable but still add to the variety and you never know when they might serve a purpose

Some of the E12 machines can be little wavetable synths

This drum machine is not for beginners. Funny story, it was my first outboard synth!