Alpha/Beta Overbridge Request

Hi there,

Came here to write this. I notice Elektron has missed a couple of software deadlines. I also notice that you seem to be developing software in a closed-source, closed-testing fashion. With much humble respect, and as a software developer of many years - might I suggest these two things could be related?

Electron recently announced the decision to release Overbridge for free to its users - which is great. Along these lines, would you also consider opening up the codebase? Given that many musicians and/or developers these days wear both hats, and given that many have a vested-interest in seeing this software work, opening up the code may likely accelerate development and increase robustness and stability at no extra cost.

I further believe Electron is currently facing a (/its first?) large public-relations disaster, which may not have yet come to full force. Implementing, at the very least, an immediate open “alpha” or “beta” for Overbridge in whatever current state its in would very likely mitigate this. Simply make clear “this is Alpha software, not to be used in a production environment, many features may not work correctly”, and at least if any features work, on some configuration of system, it will provide some breathing room for some of your customers. For the others, setting up a simple bug-reporting site, would provide Elektron developers with an army of eyes in all kinds of operating environments.

If the code was further open-sourced (ie, on GitHub), the benefits of this openness could reach much deeper, directly into working Pull-requests and code-fixes, or usefully-written issues (bug requests) supplied by adept users - myself potentially included.

At the very least, I believe it should be acknowledged that something may need to be done differently here. Software development is hard! And cross-platform, real-time digital audio is one of the absolutely very hardest things to do. Elektron may not presently believe they need any extra help, but with months passing since project release dates, and half-working feature-sets as a result, your users may beg to differ.

In any case, best of luck. I look forward to using Overbridge at some point in the future - if I haven’t given up and moved on. I don’t want to do that - I love Electron products, and they are terrifically unique in many ways, but I - like many others - simply have to get things done.

Kind regards,


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Overbridge troubles should be a lesson learned