All tracks same Key

Hi fellow Elektronauts,

I’m sure this has been asked, but I did look and can’t find it: I’m trying to figure out how you set all your tracks to the same key/scale under Keyboard setup. I read that you can do this by holding donw the Midi key. That doesn’t seem to work in this context. I also don’t see anything under “8.5.2 KEYBOARD SETUP MENU” in the manual. Is this possible?

Hi, you want all your tracks within the same pattern to be set to the same key/scale? I think someone will tell me if I’m wrong, but I believe you will need to set them all up once into a blank pattern (which you will leave blank) along with your other common project settings and then you should be able to use that as a template to copy into other patterns where the basic settings you’ve implemented before will be transferred, such as the midi channels and the key/scale per track. If you’re looking for a way to do it in one action, I don’t have an answer. If someone else knows, hopefully they will comment.

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Add Notes/ARP menu is where you choose scale. The note button below midi.

Thanks. I did that but I’d like to do it for all 4 tracks at once rather than have to set each track individually.

I’m not aware of a master track setting unfortunately, I know what you’re asking. It would be something you might want to suggest if no one has a good work around by leaving a comment in the features request thread:

since I’m not positive there isn’t a way, hold off for a minute so someone else can see this but to my knowledge you have to set it all at least once and then it could be transferred as a whole when you copy the blank pattern containing your settings.

If I understand, you’re looking for a setting that sets the key and scale on a project level which is something I haven’t seen implemented in Elektron boxes.

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Thanks! At least I feel less crazy. It’s not the biggest deal in the world. I’m sure there are more important features. :slight_smile:

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Also, you can copy the scale page with Fn+Copy and paste it to the other tracks with Fn+Paste. It saves some effort.

(Edit: I got this tip from Dave Mech’s Digitone course)


Thank you, that’s also a good tip to share

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