AKWF waveforms - tuning?

help? anyone?

There are threads on how to create sample chains in a DAW. Try searching the forum.

Also zeropoint has a nice explanation of how to do it on the OT here:


This is amazing, and I thank you. I just decided today to try making at least one whole project from single cycles. I was pretty bummed at the prospect of re-tuning every sample I wanted to use to a specific octave, not to mention putting them in C. This thread came up on a quick google search and pretty much saved my ass a bunch of sweat. :+1:

Hey, I did another project recently with even better waveforms. You can download the pack from there: http://project1404.com/monolith2/download/

There are thousands of waveforms in this pack, tuned in C and pre-sliced by octave. This means that slice 1 plays at C0, slice 2 at C1, and so on, up to C7. Using only one sample, like a samplechain.



These are great. I’m trying to simply fall this in my mind - so the rep itched or pitched I just grab em - load them into the OT - then slice them into whatever length is specified and then if they’re pitched sample chains use the slice playback and plock slx to sequencer grid for melodic playback? (My head is mush this morning)

Slice into a grid of 8. Turn loop on and adjust amp envelope to taste.

Thanks - well I’m doing it right and getting cool results. I’m finally getting out of 16 step mode and playing more with 32 step rhythms. Triggless trigs work great with filter and other fx but the amp env I can pretty much have on inf and it doesn’t seem to matter. It’s really just basic synthesis but the amp env semms to be doing not much for me

Ok so this is where I simply don’t get it - single cycle waveform from the Alex collection - sliced and looped. Everything is working as expected except the amp env.
I can pull the attack right up to about 60 and the hold at 5! And rel at 0’and the last note will ring out till the next note is triggered,
So this makes me think that the OT won’t play silence ie it won’t close the env to 0 unless or there is a trigg set?
I’ve tried triggless trigs to retrigger the env - it’s not behaving like I would expect

Wow, this is simply amazing !
Professional quality website, extensive documentation, terrific project, and free !
Que demande le peuple ?
Thank you for all the effort, it’s very much appreciated ! <3

Jaalmadakan, thanks a lot for your work (wich have been long i suppose).

I just saw the thread this morning, i will load it this evening.

So cool :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Indeed, it took me “a few hours” to figure out how to write a program that can automate re-pitching and concatenation of the original waveforms… and I’m lucky that I could reuse the same sample-attribute .ot file for all the waves (for the slices start points).

The actual generation of all the waveforms just took a few minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a bit of a necrobump but I’m going to use these C tuned single cycles with my new Rytm, and I wanted to say thanks to everyone involved for the work they put into this.

Thanks for this jaalmadakan. I only just got my OT and the possibilities are bewildering. Filing this one away for later :wink:

Me too (just got my OT) so thanks for the bump.
I’d read up a bit on using single cycle waveforms on the OT, and really appreciate any extra resources like this.


Thanks for all contributors in this thread, I hope to contribute something myself one day, only 2 weeks into the OT.