$199 street price wtf
$199 street price wtf
Yup, sounds perfect for my analog drum machine needs, as long as it actually sounds good. Good job Akai!
Wow, in the words of Ace Ventura “Holy Shit Balls”!!!
The big questions are, is this REALLY analog or VA (seems you can never tell looking at the specs of new products these days).
Regardless, does it sound good?
Looks kinda like a Jomox xbase09.
Man, at 200$ it’s like a Volca Bass and Beats in one!
Too bad it has to be Akai though, their brand is really shit now.
They have my attention with this for sure!
^ yep Akai used to be the business!
Will have to hear it obviously but it seams everyone is going for entry level stuff ATM
I’m craving potential, hidden gems & dark corridors filled with mysterious secrets…
I’m off again
Two words: FUCK YEAH.
I think it may be time to sell the Tempest - of course this machine is vastly limited by comparison but when you could buy an OT and a Rhythm Wolf for the same price, well…
Go Akai. I was sort of impressed with their little mini sample player last year and this is a huge move, going in at $199 is really aggressive. Roland must be feeling sick right now and I bet even Korg are a bit nervous. On the interface alone this thing has Classic written all over it.
I am in the market for cheap analogs right now, Volcas, Microbrute and now this.
I have to say that I am still more interested in the Volca Bass and Beats and Microbrute, as Korg and Arturia are both pretty respectable companies right now.
They got the price right, this things is going to have to sound ace to win me over the Korg and Arturia though.
Also, did I hear somewhere Arturia has something new for Messe?
If it was a cheap analog drum machine, that would just be nuts!
That looks really interesting - especially for that price
I´m getting confused here, don´t know where to throw my money at anymore…it´s a wonderful world…Spring time too. wish for more cash though!
That one looks HOT!! But can it sound good at this price? On the other hand, I’m sure that their calculations are based on millions over millions of pieces sold and that’s probably what’s gonna happen!!
What I like at all those cheap toys is that the each parameter gets a knob. Of course, they also don’t have that many parameters but that’s not as important as quick access to me. Recently I purchased a 32 knob controller and set it up to control the OT’s first 4 tracks as on a drum machine. Tempest, 999, Rytm, A4, MD all require at least some menu diving unless you set up an external controller. These toys don’t.
daaaaaaamn this is in the must buy zone for real
Shit, seeing as I wouldn’t be able to afford the AR anytime soon, I might very well be going for this! Looks very promising.
Surely that price is wrong? Individual outs so on paper it trumps the volcas straight away for me. No scatterisor tho? ;D
It is a great time to be into making music with hardware based synthesizers.
My friend just brought over VolcaBeats and VolcaBass, they are so much fun. The RWolf will also certainly be on the radar.
Ahhh hahahahahaha !
I am gonna buy this and build it into a sledgehammer and smash smash
SUH Mash !! the shit out of that Roland Aira box pos
+1 on this, lets see what you could get for the price of an AR…
Rhythm Wolf - $200
Korg Volcas - $450
Arturia Microbrute - $300
Moog Minitaur - $600
Total 1550 (approximate prices in US/CAN-ish $$).
That’s a lot of analog for the price!
+1 on this, lets see what you could get for the price of an AR…
Rhythm Wolf - $200
Korg Volcas - $450
Arturia Microbrute - $300
Moog Minitaur - $600
Total 1550 (approximate prices in US/CAN-ish $$).
That’s a lot of analog for the price![/quote]
I welcome the fair competitive pricing of this promising future of devices
I only hope they keep building bigger and better and not cheaper and cheaper
+1 on this, lets see what you could get for the price of an AR…
Rhythm Wolf - $200
Korg Volcas - $450
Arturia Microbrute - $300
Moog Minitaur - $600
Total 1550 (approximate prices in US/CAN-ish $$).
That’s a lot of analog for the price![/quote]
I welcome the fair competitive pricing of this promising future of devices
I only hope they keep building bigger and better and not cheaper and cheaper[/quote]
True, I agree. TBH the RYTM might actually be better than all those small units combined!!! Still great to be able to pick and choose a few cheap units that can get you close to what you can get from an AR.
I believe it only has one output for the drum mix and one output for the bass. no individual outs.
However, we shall see if it is mod-able like the Korg line of cheap boxes to enable multi output and possible CV control.
I doubt that most of us if not all are able to hear the difference if the VA
is that good than some VSTis that are already there. I mean in a blind test.
For me analog means knobs and a good access to the sound.
…plus who knows what Arturia is revealing at Messe, might be a Maxibrute or another analog drum machine or a self-contained Spark…
Not to pour cold water on the AR, which I believe will be great, but these new boxes from Akai have just changed the game in a big way. I wouldn’t be surprised if the AR price changes downwards for the first 6 months in response. EG these two Akai boxes + a used Monomachine would be a very powerful combo. At $200 each I cannot think of any reason not to buy them.