Akai MPX16 sampler

Samples are stored on an SD card as WAV files, and can also be triggered via MIDI from other devices. You can record using the built-in microphone or via the balanced 1/4-inch inputs, or import sounds from your Mac/PC. Once assigned to pads you can tune samples and apply filters, envelopes and choke grouping, while an LCD display offers visual feedback.
Look out for the MPX16 this Summer priced at $200. You can find out more on the Akai Pro website.

Edit: ^ larger resolution


WTF, Akai are on fire this year. I was thinking about picking up an MPX8, but this thing is a sure buy, same as the drum machine. I’m blown away.


Akai are definitely bringing it this spring.

A couple things I wonder about compared to the 8 are the midi routing (the 8 was limited to channel 10) and the sample playback time, which was limited on the previous model as well. Still, adding filters and envelopes for more sound shaping is a plus.

Does this one actualy record? Hope so.

Nice design, hope it is fun to use.

I prefer the rubber/silicone on the pads that don’t light up

The Pads that light up don’t feel as fun to the touch… too chalky

I wonder if it will be possible to trigger recording via MIDI. There doesn’t look to be any onboard sequencer, so it’s quite possible although I would not expect resampling of the internal signal.

I am seriously thinking about this + the Rhythm Wolf being controlled by the Octatrack. And/or by the Nord Modular. Damn, this is desirable.

Akai are nailing it that’s for sure! One of these plus the Wolf would potentially make a fantastic combo. And the new APC20 only being $100 (Im guessing £100 then) is very appealing to me.

wow! this is nice…the big brother of the MPX8 … now, this is worth a look … price tag? (i was thinking of getting an MPX8 as well but this changes things a bit :slight_smile: )

i don’t remember if the MPX8 had velocity on the pads…well, hopefully this one will

$200 and yes Velocity. I like the matrix editing on the front panel, borrowing a trick from Waldorf there. Obviously the editing isn’t going to be too deep and I don’t know what the canned reverb effect sounds like, but at this price who cares? The really nice thing about this is that it would enhance many, many older pieces of gear with sequencers built in - eg a Yamaha RM1x or one of their pocket sequencers, Emu command stations, Korg Electribes, various cheap drum machines, craptastic laptops that aren’t good enough for more than 1 or 2 channels of audio, and so on.

The only shortcoming I can see is that it doesn’t take batteries, so you can’t carry it around in your pocket to sample the internal microphone.

200!? well, then it’s definitively on the shopping list (hopefully will be cheaper in euro)
when i first saw the MPX8 i thought it was a nice little thing and wanted to get one but was lacking features; this one seems to be a much more improved version and yes, i do like the matrix editing as well.
i wonder if the firmware allows you to use the pads as a step sequencer as well…that would be nice :slight_smile: either way, i’ll probably get one…(yep, it’s a shame it won’t run on batteries, perhaps one could run it with 9V one, even if needed to tape it to the back of it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Just looked at the pic properly, not sure why I thought it wouldn’t record. :slight_smile:

There’s a mono/poly option in grid so can do chords. Dunno how many voices.

Batteries seems essential for this…

This device will make an excellent partner to the octatrack freeing up some audio tracks :slight_smile:

great to see it has proper midi ins/outs. so much better than all the compact controllers with usb-midi only.

I must admit that I had a terrible time with the MPX8. Maybe it was just an OS X thing but I really struggled to get samples onto the memory card. Back when I only had a non-UW MD I was hoping to use it for rudimentary sample playback duties but it was more hassle than it was worth.

I took it back after a couple of days of frustration.

The MPX16 looks better but if I was mac-based I’d again be wary of it being poorly supported.

this looks great for the money.

I know there’s a general undercurrent of anti-Roland feeling (for some reason, I still don’t get why… :confused: ) but I’ll stick my head above the parapet & say it’s Elektron who actually really need to deliver the goods now with the RYTM :

look at it this way - one of these Akai MPX16 + an Aira TR-8 is still going to clock in at about half the the cost of the RYTM. Hell, if you must have real analogue drums ('cos they must sound better, yes… :wink: ) then you could add the Rhythm Wolf/ Volca beats too…& a decent outboard compressor & still have change left from the cost of a new RYTM.

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^ Heartily agree!

Dissing these cheap instruments is daft, it is great to have choice, and one thing I have learnt over the years is that often it is feature light gear that is the most inspirational to use, and I really welcome single purpose devices after years of all-in-wonder boxes, and combine a TR8, Volca, Wolf and this MPX and you got a very flexible rhythm set up for less money - not to say better, but different, and you can make great beats with whatever choice, and that is a great problem to have isn’t it? :wink:

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If you don’t need the MPCs sequencer this looks like a great cheap alternative and with PROPER SIZED PADS!!! for all us live finger drummers :slight_smile:

^ indeed :slight_smile:

edit: related to darenager post…need to be faster in typing in a reply…

I hope it is better than the MPX8.
I bought it and you can’t sequence it via midi.
Take a look