Akai MPC One [ Retired : Search for MPC Thread ]

The rear shot , not the overhead shot, that shows close up reflection of the knobs tells me it isn’t rubber.

Hmmm tuff call. I’ll wager dull plastic.
You could be right tho. That would be really nice.

I wish they’d offer a replacement shell for the Live. And I wanna know who thought rubber was cool…and if they still werk there :wink:

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I think this is meant to compete with maschine mk3 without the computer for a few extra euros and directly with the Digitakt. Let’s see what tomorrow holds for reveals

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Maschine crushes. I wish I didn’t sell mine.
Doesn’t matter tho…Live is next :frowning:


so its the Native Instruments Maschine we all wanted


This is basically a different shaped Live, probably occupying the same physical amount of space volume wise?

Apologies if this has been asked or mentioned, but are the pads smaller than the Live/X?

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Accurate Beats stated in his video that they are a bit smaller, but only took him about 10 minutes to adjust to…

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Humm no Battery Power. no onboard User storage just Card Storage (so power the external hard drive then in top). Loading from SSD was so cool on the Live and the X… For the price no doubt the Live is way better with its connectivities and RCA for sampling Vinyls. ( TRS outputs (3 stereo pairs) vs only one on the One, name from there ? maybe )

it’s just a crippled device with a new form factor + control voltage.
That’s a no to me. (especially you can get the Live for only 200euro more)


Because it comes with a 16 voice Moog one internally as standard. Nah I’m assuming because it only has one output and it’s a modern sounding name in line with mpc X, iPhone X, Xbox one etc. To be fair the new MPCs look like they’re targeted at the young EDM/gamer keyboard crowd


Has anyone yet mentioned Blackbox on this thread?

However I heard they will open for internal instruments like the one AirMusicTech done to 3rd Parties. That can be cool though it’s the same for the entire MPC Series.

There’s a giant magnifying glass icon at the top of the thread to search with.

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Yup I have an MK3 mint I never use think it’s time to put her out ! :joy:

Well if you ever fancy a trade I’ve got a mk3 here

I’d say most people really. I think people see all the enormous setups people have online and assume it’s the norm but a massive group of users have 1 box and don’t post pictures of it

@William_WiLD I’ve heard good things about the air fx. As far as battery I did mention earlier there’s a guy putting batteries in digitakts and octatrack so it’s still quite possible with a minor removable modification


Exactly. Lol

‘To shave a few bucks off the price though, it ditches the rechargeable battery and cuts down on the storage and ports.’

Might as well.
I’m keeping mine. The komplete 12 collectors edition packs get a lot of mileage on my mk3. The living room has the sp-16 just sitting there and my office room has maschine mk3 sitting there. Both get a lot of play regardless.


I would be all over one of those in a heartbeat !