Akai MPC One [ Retired : Search for MPC Thread ]

Totally agree and I feel it is common industry wide, but then again you could see it as an “evolution” of process and design … but … i feel your pain having bought many pieces of gear and being in your shoes

ego misertus est tui



However, not everyone can afford both, so some folks have to choose between one or the other.

And with overlapping capabilities and a considerable price discrepancy for those on a budget, it’s easy to see why some would want to know if these newer gen MPCs can do just one of the hundred and one things that the OT can do, especially if one does not need the other hundred things.


Apples and oranges imo. I’m sticking with my OT for now, but I’m excited to see where Akai’s new stuff, alognside things like the new Roalnd grooveboxes, the Synthstrom Deluge and the 1010 Black box, lead us in future. Competition is good, and I feel like we’re getting to a point where the lines between laptops and hardware interfaceas are going to blur more and more.

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I hope a new novation circuit too, with screen


That’s a tough order with 19V / 3.42A required. Even with the new merging connector they have, that’s a lot to ask. There are other battery packs that put out higher than 5V, so mobility is still possible.


Oh thanks! The odds of me actually getting one of these are low, but it’s good to know that I would probably have to plug in to make it work.

There’s a running list of “things I’d like to try” once I have more time (a girl can dream…), but this is definitely on it even if it doesn’t run on battery (just another consideration to add to the mix).


Watched the Nick Batt video and I immediately felt the urge to go get my Live from my study and make some beats on it in front of the telly.

MPC One seems like a great entry level addition to the range, but there’s nothing there that tickles my fancy or anything that my Live couldn’t do except the CV/gate stuff obviously, which does nothing for me as I’m not a modular-dude. I love the SSD-option and the battery operation on my Live now even more than before. EDIT: Not to mention the additional midi ins and outs on the Live!

I’m happy Akai launched it though, now they’ll have even more reasons to update the operating system across all three models.


Looks like a corny attempt to repackage some existing tech into something that will make a few more bucks for this sales cycle. Folks 20 years in the future will not look back on this as an instrument, it’s as disposable and short-lived as an inexpensive laptop. Do people really think this is a Digitakt-killer just because it’s kind of square and close in price??? Please… They are so different.


Holy shit!!!

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The only people who think it is a digitakt killer got the digitakt for the wrong reasons, they are really too different imo. I wouldn’t say this is a bad product it does a lot of cool things, but digitakt is super focused and its sound engine makes things into something new, Mpc can do that to a degree but it certainly isn’t its focus.



MPC One or 1010 blackbox?


Just got a black box yesterday…

I should have waited. I came up on mpcs, so I’m really digging this. But I will give the blackbox 2 weeks to impress me, which I’m sure it will.


One thing hits me is why they did not make the screen inclinable like the X… That was a main cons regarding the Live why they didn’t take this cons in consideration … it’s kind of lame :confused:

(same with the force)


Oh yeah totally agree, I’m not saying this is shit or that you can’t make a cool track on it but the DT is like a laser-scalpel from the future. Anyone complaining about no stereo samples on the DT misunderstands it quite badly, the DT is a HUGELY stereo device, you just make the stereo yourself. Only saying because the DT has been referenced a number of times in this thread.


Why is this called One?

could be a reference to First time MPC owners

Is it rubberized like the MPC live?

Ya…THAT was a dropped ball. That rubberized shit sucks!


Skip to 2:28 in the sonic state video.

Looks metal, not rubberized.
Somewhat reflective.

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That’s def not metal. COULD be the rubber crap used a lot which gets a nice oily sheen :confused:
Might be like the NI stuff. Dull plastic. Print magnet. I’d totally take that over the lint/dead skin collecting rubber. Stressful for a neat freak.