Akai MPC Live Mk II

Adding my voice to the chorus.
As a former 2000XL user, that looks awesome!


Does anyone know if this is just a limited run thing?
It’s not even on the Akai website - and my local shop had no clue.

Beige, baby. The way it should be. :star_struck:
Hopefully it’s a smooth non ‘Nextel-esque’ finish.

:open_mouth: I would sell my MPC X for this. would look sick next to my gray analogs.

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Yes, I’d like to know as well!

Yes, according to some german websites it’s limited.


Damn that looks nice.

so did anybody get one, how do you like it?

Hey everyone I’m very interested in this retro edition but it seems we cannot get it in Canada for some reason? Anybody know of a dealer that would ship to Canada? I tried Zzouunds but they do not.

Thanks in advance.

I hate touchscreens, which is the main reason I do not presently own a standalone MPC, and already own a Maschine+ and MC-707. Nevertheless, I seriously might purchase a MPC Live MK II Retro Edition. I love the old school look.


Ask around you may get it. Ask Moog music they might have a connection out there. I find it weird that only EU and US got the special edition.

Good idea thanks. Long n McQuade said they couldn’t get it - just sent an email to Moog.



Thank you

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It turns out they can’t ship certain brands to Canada - Akai is one of them unfortunately.
Thanks for the recommend - they were very nice to deal with.

I feel like I should buy one just to resell later but I know I would end up using it…

You can use a forwarder such as myus dot com.

No problem. That’s too bad they couldn’t do it.

This is the « gentleman’s agreement » you see sometimes. Wait it out and the Canada Akai distributor may get a small run of retro models.

I remember seeing this only for EU first then the US got it too.

Will do thanks.