AHFX ableton workflow advice

I’ve just treated myself to the new FX based Heat and looking to experiment with how it’s set up in the studio workflow.

Keen to hear how others are using it?

The two clear examples for me are running it end of chain on a master or buss to warm and glue things together, probably via overbridge, and secondly almost as a preamp to colour things on the way in to ableton, more like a drive pedal.

But the new FX kinda breaks that simplicity and I can see me using it via overbridge track by track to add interest.

What’s a new workflow to me though, as someone who typically will do this with plug-ins, is running a track through an external effect, then maybe setting up a new track to listen to the FX version and print that as new audio.

When I’ve done this with heat/OB, I drag the OB plug to a new track, maybe treat that, print the results. Not sure if this is a great workflow or not, so looking at whether to use send/return channels with the heat/OB etc.

Yeah, how are others doing things with heat and ableton?

My current setup:

MBP ableton 11
UAD apollo quad/ Behringer 8input adat expander
Push 3 standalone
MTX-8 pin matrix mixer
Strymon Blue Sky
Prophet 5
Electric guitar/bass
Vocal mic

I used it as a send effect within Live for colouring individual sounds, loops and mix busses

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